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Everything posted by grimlin

  1. grimlin


    He needs to be reported.....he was doing it in Mexico and U.S. is what is mentioned in his youtube description.
  2. Lately it's been one day a week.
  3. I have absolutely no luck on double tail grubs.....I have no Idea why either. Single tail grubs are another story and are my favorite baits right now....Go figure....
  4. You ain't joking.....I'm glad there's no gators around here.
  5. Nope,I cannot afford to break my things...LOL Da**,S***,Oh hell!, you gotta be sh******* me are usually the word I utter when i get frustrated. I never take it out on my equipment.
  6. I really like Hook n look too.I can still tolerate bass pro.Lately I've been watching River monsters.I also like Larry Dahlberg's Hunt for big fish. Lunkerville is just too slow for me.....I cannot watch for more than 10 minutes before I feel like changing the channel. Although I love the concept he put into the show.
  7. Read a little of that...it will help. Yes you can fish Jigs on spinning set up.1/4oz and under I use a 7' medium rod fast or extra fast(6-12lbs test line). 7'MH rod for jigs 3/8 oz or higher(preferably 14lbs test line or higher) . While I prefer to use a baitcaster for anything over 3/8 oz,but use the right rod and reel and you can easily do with a spinning set up also.
  8. You know how wrong that topic sounded is right? Or am I just thinking perverted today?
  9. I hadda work..no drinking for me. Big thing down in my old area in Oak Cliff,Texas. I used to remember going to my friend's house and it was party time all day all night.
  10. same here....I didn't realize how serious it was.
  11. I pulled one off the puppy yesterday.....Looks like I'm gonna have to get some stuff to put down on the yard this year. This sucks...I've never seen ticks since living here and I've had animals here since I've been here. I had one stuck to me at my waist last year....I was wearing a belt walking through the woods trying to get to a fishing hole. very unpleasant experience to be honest....came too close to my man parts....
  12. I fish with real craws from time to time,the first thing I do is rip the pincers off. I don't know what it is,but i get bites extremely fast when i do this....perhaps it's the fact without it's weapon the fish(predators)find them a much easier target. I've caught countless crayfish with just one claw and seeing many more still swimming around without their claws as well.
  13. To me shimano has been going backwards.....I still prefer the D series reels over the E series. heck I like my citica 200D over my Curado E7.
  14. Best way to work a jig is think crayfish. You can slowly crawl it on the bottom by simply move your rod in an upward position,reel the line of slack in and bring rod back down to setting the hook position. You can also give the rod a twitch or a sudden pop and it'll make the jig look like it's running away(This cause fish to reaction strike) A jig bite can be very different in terms of feeling a fish on the end of your line. It takes some patience to master it. Many of times you won't feel the bite,it's just this heaviness on the end of your line. Remember Hook sets are free!
  15. Go to their website....Producto lures. Unless ordering online is a problem for you?
  16. Yeah,when vicious line first came out.....It was splitting like a banana peel causing weak spots every time I cast. It left a bad taste with me so I never brought it again. I'm sure they improved over time....but what i use now never fails me,so why change? I use trilene XL,XT and P-line CXX without problems. Still experimenting with suffix 832 braid...nothing bad to say about that line either.
  17. Spoons,jerkbaits,crankbaits(deep divers) and lipless cranks= Bad luck for me....I either snag it on the first cast,tie a bad knot or a toothy critter steals em'. If you have a lucky lure in any of the mentioned above...don't let me use it....I will lose it within 30 min. probably the same reason why I don't use them much either....lol
  18. Yes,I do all the time....
  19. I can only imagine how bad that backlash must have been. Why did you allow him to even attempt to try and cast that in the first place?
  20. Fishing IS a blood sport plain and simple. If one cannot handle it,I suggest taking up golf or bowling. Fishing isn't for everyone....plain and simple. 1. Do fish have feelings? The Nirvana song, Something In The Way comes to mind when the songwriter sings: "it's ok to eat fish, cause they don't have feelings". No,they might feel pain,but no feeling. 2. Have you ever had it happen where you were fishing and a fish took your bait AND hook? Yes,it's called a break off. You probably tied a bad knot or had a weak kink in your line. 3. Has anyone ever found out what happens to a fish (any fish) when they take your bait and hook? some survive,some don't. 4. Have you ever been fishing, caught a fish, reeled it in, and could not get the hook out of its mouth? What happened to the fish, assuming your intent was to catch and release? Yes,"gut hooked" this is where your hook is so deep it's almost impossible to remove. This lessen the survival rate. There is a way to remove those deep hooked fish here safely,but even that's tricky and you'll need to gain some experience of doing it. 5. Be objective with this question like I'm trying to be: Is there anything wrong with fishing to where you fish for the fun of it? I know in modern times, people aren't going to fish for sustenance, so is it wrong (by anyone's standards that you know of) to fish for the sport of just fishing alone, while practicing catch and release? Nope,I see nothing wrong with it..assuming you educate yourself in releasing the fish as quickly and carefully as possible. 6. What is animal cruelty, is there a universal definition, and even if there isn't, have you ever been accused of animal cruelty for simply having a nice time fishing while practicing catch and release? What were the reasons behind the person(s) claim that what fishing, while practicing catch and release, is animal cruelty? Some people will say yes, they are just sensitive to all living things. I have another name for them...but I'll refrain from that word and just call them "sensitive people". Catch and keep can also be healthy for a lot of lakes and rivers.You don't want overpopulation to happen either. So in my eyes,Us fishermen are just doing what nature is intended. Afterall we are on top of the food chain. 7. How much time do you have from reeling the fish out of the water until you have to release it so that it can live, and not die while being out of the water? Does it differe from fish to fish? It can differ from fish to fish. but a good rule of thumb is hold your breathe. You want to release the fish as quickly as possible.
  21. Simple eye contact and a head nod most of the time. Been known to go yup.Mmhmm,no problem and you're welcome.... guess it's how I'm feeling that day. LOL Honestly it has never bothered me on either end when i say "thank you" and don't get a reply back. Heck even if the person doesn't say thank you to me either. I let my act define me as a person....
  22. Yes I love nachos. I prefer other stuff on it as well lettuce,tomatoes,onions and meat.
  23. That brings back memories. What we did as well. Cheese and bread worked so well.... My mom never did figure out I was feeding the bluegills my lunch. LOL.
  24. grimlin


    My number 1 bait last year that caught me a lot of fish. I swear by them. My favorite way to fish them is weightless t-rigged. However that can change real quick.
  25. Man,those are some nice ones!
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