Fishing IS a blood sport plain and simple. If one cannot handle it,I suggest taking up golf or bowling.
Fishing isn't for everyone....plain and simple.
1. Do fish have feelings? The Nirvana song, Something In The Way comes to mind when the songwriter sings: "it's ok to eat fish, cause they don't have feelings". No,they might feel pain,but no feeling.
2. Have you ever had it happen where you were fishing and a fish took your bait AND hook? Yes,it's called a break off. You probably tied a bad knot or had a weak kink in your line.
3. Has anyone ever found out what happens to a fish (any fish) when they take your bait and hook? some survive,some don't.
4. Have you ever been fishing, caught a fish, reeled it in, and could not get the hook out of its mouth? What happened to the fish, assuming your intent was to catch and release? Yes,"gut hooked" this is where your hook is so deep it's almost impossible to remove. This lessen the survival rate. There is a way to remove those deep hooked fish here safely,but even that's tricky and you'll need to gain some experience of doing it.
5. Be objective with this question like I'm trying to be: Is there anything wrong with fishing to where you fish for the fun of it? I know in modern times, people aren't going to fish for sustenance, so is it wrong (by anyone's standards that you know of) to fish for the sport of just fishing alone, while practicing catch and release? Nope,I see nothing wrong with it..assuming you educate yourself in releasing the fish as quickly and carefully as possible.
6. What is animal cruelty, is there a universal definition, and even if there isn't, have you ever been accused of animal cruelty for simply having a nice time fishing while practicing catch and release? What were the reasons behind the person(s) claim that what fishing, while practicing catch and release, is animal cruelty? Some people will say yes, they are just sensitive to all living things. I have another name for them...but I'll refrain from that word and just call them "sensitive people". Catch and keep can also be healthy for a lot of lakes and rivers.You don't want overpopulation to happen either. So in my eyes,Us fishermen are just doing what nature is intended. Afterall we are on top of the food chain.
7. How much time do you have from reeling the fish out of the water until you have to release it so that it can live, and not die while being out of the water? Does it differe from fish to fish? It can differ from fish to fish. but a good rule of thumb is hold your breathe. You want to release the fish as quickly as possible.