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Everything posted by moloch16

  1. I've heard it's hard to get up once it's glued down. Any comments on this?
  2. I have a 14' Jon boat. I'm don't want to add a deck at this time since I have young children I take fishing and don't want them rolling off the deck and into the water Has anyone tried adding carpet directly to the stock jon boat aluminum floor and sides? I'd like to add some material to help make the interior quieter. As we all know if you aren't super careful any careless maneuver can really make some noise! Thanks
  3. Fished Harris today 7am - 11am. Managed a 3.5lb early on a Rio Rico (similar to a Pop-R) and that was all I could get. I didn't see any signs of the bass near the grass like I usually do. Anyone have better luck this weekend at Harris? Not sure where the bass went :-?
  4. Eagle FishMark 480 is a great unit in that price range.
  5. Same thing for me (on Saturday). I did manage a nice Crappie on a Red Eye Shad Next time I plan to bring some light tackle and see if I can snag a few more of those crappie!
  6. I don't think I'd last long in the retail business. I have a habit of telling people what's on my mind >
  7. Welp we went fishing Saturday morning and couldn't find a bite. Fished 7am - 11am and our efforts produced a Crappie and dink LMB. Oh well, can't slay'em every time I guess ;D
  8. This looks like an interesting knot. I like the Palomar the best but it's a pain to tie on a buzzbait, crankbait, etc. I've been planning to experiment with the uni knot and this looks like one I'll try as well.
  9. Great story, thanks for sharing!!!
  10. Ok folks this is how the weekend is shaping up. It was mid-80s all week, strong cold front coming through today (Friday). Is Saturday worth fishing? Due to family commitments my fishing time is very limited I can basically pick 5 hours to fish anytime Saturday or Sunday. I always hear cold-front fishing is the worse possible fishing conditions. Thanks in advance for your help everyone is so helpful here
  11. Try amazon.com used books you can usually find a bargain there. Fantastic book.
  12. You guys are great thanks for the encouraging words Tonight I went to Wal-Mart and bought a rain suit - I'll be out there on Saturday. Wish I could make Friday but oh well!
  13. Haha ok y'all called me a wimp for wanting to fish on the nice days ;D Problem is I fish from a 14' jon and any amount of wind turns it into a sailboat The wind is my main gripe with the weekend forecast Seriously though, given the drastic change in temperature do you think Saturday would be a good day. Seriously? I thought it would be a terrible day with such a cold front passing through.
  14. It seems the weather pattern is the same every week. Perfect fishing weather all week, crappy during the weekend, perfect again on Monday. :-[
  15. I bought an Eagle FishMark 320 portable and it has served me well. It uses a portable battery pack and suction cup transducer. No drilling required http://www.eaglenav.com/en/Products/Fishfinders/FishMark-320-Portable/
  16. Had the same thing happen to me earlier this year. Fish dug into the grass and came off while I adjusted the drag :-/
  17. Is there any additional information on using the Flasco SteelFlex? I'm very interested in this for painting my jon boat. Is there an involved preparation process or do you just slap it on?
  18. Looking for some suggestions on low-light sunglasses. I basically need the polarization without any tint. I don't usually by really expensive sunglasses but may in this case because I really need some low-light polarization. These are for fishing early morning and late evening which is when I do most of my fishing. Thanks!!
  19. When I was young I was obsessed with bass fishing but my bass fishing skills were far from decent so I ended up catching a lot of stuff other than bass. One day I was fishing a farm pond on a ranch. The ranch of course had a lot of really nice dogs that pretty much had free reign of the place. So there I am fishing this farm pond with some lure and about the time I start a cast a farm dog wanders behind me where I can't see and sure enough I hook him in the back on the forward cast Well the dog didn't like that at all so he runs like mad to the horse stable which is home for this particular dog. The only thing I could do is run like mad behind the dog because I didn't want to apply any pressure to the line and dig the hook into the dog. It's been so long I can't remember if he was taking line or what but there I was running behind a dog I just hooked with my fishing pole. So we arrive at the stables and the dog is freaking out and I'm nearly dead from trying to keep up with a running dog. Some ranch hands run over to see what the problem is. Luckily the hook never went pass the barb and was easily removed. Other things I've caught include ducks, turtles, oyters and clams.
  20. Haha reminds me when the same thing happened to me when I was a kid. I was desperate to catch my first bass and my efforts were limited to a small farm pond. Well one day I finally get a hit on a spinnerbait and my excitement is short lived when the fish breaks off. This is before I knew to check my line for nicks and retie often. So I'm standing there feeling blue and tying on a new lure when that stinkin bass jumps in the air, shakes her head and unceremoniously deposits my spinnerbait on the grass mat in front of me :'(
  21. Reminds me of my first fishing trip with my oldest son when he was 3 or 4. I had bought him his own tackle box - the one that comes equipped with some basic fishing lures. We hit the pond and caught some bream on worms which he thought was great. However he really wanted to try the shiny lures in his new tackle box. I tried explaining how the lures have to rigged a certain way and tried convincing him he should wait until he was older. He wouldn't hear of that and so as instructed I threaded a purple plastic worm on the bream hook below his bobber (wacky style). He tossed it out and sure enough about 30 seconds later he was reeling in his first bass! Shows how much I know : I think the wave action really gave that plastic worm some wiggle under that bobber and the bass loved it.
  22. I use a suction cup mount and it works fine. You can also mount the transducer on a long piece of wood and then clamp the wood to your boat when you want to use the fish finder.
  23. I use an Eagle FishMark 320 portable. Great fish finder for the money. http://www.eaglenav.com/en/Products/Fishfinders/FishMark-320-Portable/
  24. Thanks for the reply sneaker. Here's another one I looked at a while back and it is on sale for $40. I like this one because you can set it to charge at 2 amps or 10 amps. Charging at 2 amps is better if you have the time. http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_02871222000P
  25. Looking to get a new deep cycle charger since my current one seems to have failed after many years of faithful service. My batteries come off the Jon and charge in the garage. I'm leaning towards a Schumaker SS-120A-PE. http://store.schumachermart.com/ss-120a-pe.html Can anyone recommend a better choice before I buy?
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