When I was young I was obsessed with bass fishing but my bass fishing skills were far from decent so I ended up catching a lot of stuff other than bass.
One day I was fishing a farm pond on a ranch. The ranch of course had a lot of really nice dogs that pretty much had free reign of the place. So there I am fishing this farm pond with some lure and about the time I start a cast a farm dog wanders behind me where I can't see and sure enough I hook him in the back on the forward cast
Well the dog didn't like that at all so he runs like mad to the horse stable which is home for this particular dog. The only thing I could do is run like mad behind the dog because I didn't want to apply any pressure to the line and dig the hook into the dog. It's been so long I can't remember if he was taking line or what but there I was running behind a dog I just hooked with my fishing pole.
So we arrive at the stables and the dog is freaking out and I'm nearly dead from trying to keep up with a running dog. Some ranch hands run over to see what the problem is. Luckily the hook never went pass the barb and was easily removed.
Other things I've caught include ducks, turtles, oyters and clams.