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Everything posted by moloch16

  1. I agree G3, I don't see any reason not to go with a class II hitch. Not that I'll ever pull that much weight but it gives me more options. I have my sights set on this Hidden Hitch brand hitch. Looks like installation doesn't require much effort (no drilling, no modification to the existing bumper).
  2. Thanks G3. I have a Buick Regal.
  3. I'm guessing a Class I hitch is sufficient for a 14' Jon boat with 9.9 motor? The tongue weight I'm guessing to be less than 100 pounds for my boat/trailer. I assume the trailer/boat weighs less than 2000 lbs. I was looking at the hitch guide here: http://www.hitches4less.com/trailer-hitch-classes.html I plan to put a hitch on my Sedan to tow my boat. Need a truck but have to wear this Sedan out first ;D Do I need to match the hitch on my trailer (ball size) or is everything standard. I'm thinking my trailer may expect a Class II hitch on my car and won't match up to a Class I hitch. I'm so new to this
  4. So I'm researching painting my project Jon boat and found this stuff: DURALUX ALUMINUM BOAT PAINT http://www.duraluxpaint.com/ "A vinyl-type coating for aluminum and galvanized surfaces. ALUMINUM BOAT PAINT has excellent adhesion that eliminates the need for a primer, thereby cutting time and labor costs in half. ALUMINUM BOAT PAINT washes easily and resists oil, gasoline and discoloration from harbor gases." I wonder how well this stuff works? I'm going to call the company and get some details. Anyone tried this by any chance?
  5. Thanks Fishing Bud. Still doing some research, seems there's a thousand opinions on how to paint an aluminum boat What did you guys use to clean your aluminum boat? Looks like I need to take off the current layer(s) of grime and oxidation before applying the self-etching primer. What did you'll use to clean your aluminum?
  6. Hey folks, just bought my project boat woohoo! Pictures and details soon! Just wondering what technique you guys are using for re-painting your aluminum boats? Looks like this has been discussed recently. Tried searching but my search brought up a zillion posts and was hard to dig through :-/ Thanks!
  7. They seem very similar feature wise. I would go with the 480 for the added resolution. If you could see them in person that may persuade you one way or the other. Do you have a BPS nearby?
  8. You can get some really good deals if you buy used. It may take a while to find what you want but you'll save a bundle. Check your local classifieds, and see if there is a dedicated publication for selling boats/cars for your area. Also check out http://www.craigslist.com for your area.
  9. Thinking about buying this boat: http://raleigh.craigslist.org/boa/352821162.html This will be my first boat. Owner says the motor has low hours and cranks on the first pull. However I haven't heard great things about Gamefisher. Opinions on Gamefisher? The owner says this motor was manufactured by Mercury. Boat is in decent shape for it's age (1978). No major leaks. What do you think?
  10. Whatever Bill Dance happened to use that week to catch his limit of 6 pounders :
  11. I recently bought some CB's Hawg Sauce (http://www.cbshawgsauce.com/). Tried it out last night and it definitely gave my Senko an odor that I could still smell when I got home. I think scents may help the fish hold on longer. If it looks right (all wiggly and such), feels right (soft plastic), and tastes right (scents) then it's a winning combo. Haven't use scents in ages but since the Hawg Sauce is made right down the road from me I thought I'd give it a whirl.
  12. Hook up with Bill Dance and fish those private lakes. 4 lb+ on every other cast ;D
  13. Usually I choose one technique for the outing and stick with it. This means one rod and a small selection of lures. I usually only bank fish for for an hour or two. If I'm blessed with enough time to go longer I rent a Jon boat and haul all my gear with me
  14. Overall I view Berkley as a strong brand and trust most items with the Berkley name. I love the Power Worms although I tend to throw Senkos more often now. I have a Berkley 'Technique' rod I bought years ago, it's my favorite worming rod. I use the Berkley XL line, it's great. I think the Berkley accessories (hook sharpeners, pliers, etc) are cheap junk. But it seems all manufactures are creating cheap junk to satisfy the casual Walmart angler.
  15. Couldn't remember which one I got but it's the 3372 SoftSider This bag is a very manageable size and comes with a shoulder strap. I would say it is ideal for pond fishing and the occasional boat trip. The removable storage boxes make it easy to swap out baits depending on the type of fishing you plan to do that day.
  16. I like the Plano Tackle Systems. In fact I just received one as an early Father's day gift 8-)
  17. Bass are voracious spawners, harvesting a few bass will not hurt anything. Sometimes it's even helpful. A lot of 'private lakes' are really farm ponds. If you ask the farmer to fish his pond he'll immediately assume you plan to eat the fish. Catch-and-release isn't in his vocabulary because he's a farmer and everything he does is related to producing food. So many people on this forum think eating a bass is such a terrible thing to do because we are so removed form the food chain. We can buy fish from the super market but do you think the super market fish grow on trees?
  18. Man that is good to hear!! Grats!! I love fishing in the rain. One time me and my buddy went fishing in sporadic rain showers. Whenever it would start raining we would nail 3 or 4 bass then just as soon as the shower passed you couldn't buy a bite. We were fishing rattle traps though, should have tried the topwater
  19. Awesome! I'm much more confident myself. I was a very frustrated fisherman in my teens so I stopped fishing for a while. Now it seems I rarely get skunked. My more fun that way 8-)
  20. On the fishing shows they use light tackle, 4lb fluorocarbon line, and drop shot finesse baits. Never done it myself but it sure looks fun.
  21. Any pro who would agree to do this is just pathetic.
  22. Sounds like you're all set, I wouldn't worry about fish finders and such just yet. In addition to roadwarrior's lures I'd recommend you try some Beetle Spins, especially for the kids. These things catch just about anything that swims and are very easy to fish. Also you take along some live bait (worms, crickets, etc) and plan on doing some bobber fishing with the kids. There's nothing wrong with bobber fishing and kids love it! Live bait is helpful in locating fish, then once you know they are there you can try out your lures.
  23. I second the Eagle FishMark 320. If you live near a Dick's Sporting Goods this unit is onsale for $130. This unit is very beginner friendly. You can install it and turn it on and it will just work right out of the box. The manual does a great job of explaining all the extra features you can fiddle with. Installation directions are included in the manual. BTW, Eagle allows you download fish finder simulators. Now that's cool!
  24. I seriously doubt shocking the water causes the bass to eat everything in site. Last time you were shocked did you run off to the local buffet and chow down? Scientist shock the water to stun and count fish. Not sure how that would work for fishing
  25. I don't have a boat, but if I ever manage to get one I plan on taking an experienced boater with me on the first go. It'll be even better if he/she is familiar with the lake I'm fishing The first thing I would do once I'm on the lake is try to figure out what depth the bass are at. Start shallow and if that doesn't work you can use your fish finder to start working the deeper structure. They key elements for finding the bass are finding the depth they are at, and what they are eating. You can also keep a keen eye on where everyone else goes to fish and fish similar spots.
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