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Everything posted by cyfan964

  1. Thanks so much! We need to hit that area in the future for sure!
  2. Thanks for your input! Nice to see another Iowa State fan :). I've been looking around the Hayward, Wisconsin area. Lac Courte Oreilles looks like it might be a good fit.
  3. Looking for some recommendations in Wisconsin. My son and I normally go to northern Minnesota on our annual fishing trip, but would love to check out some Wisconsin waters this year. Will be a completely new state to us. We'll be coming from central Iowa with our own boat. Looking for a place that we could rent a cabin on the water. Our boat is just a 16.5' Lund, so need to avoid really big water that could get overly choppy. Looking to target Large and Smallmouth mainly. Would love any input or advice from people in the area. Love visiting Wisconsin, I've just never really fished it.
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