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Everything posted by Nick_Barr

  1. Yes, It does have dual Cable steering system and the kicker motor mount is actaully the Jackplate, it looks like a motor mount from the pic, but it is a 6 inch Jackplate. Right now I am contacting some Boat repair shops down there to set-up an appointemnt for inspection.
  2. Well, if I do end up buying it (Not trying to Jump the Gun). When I get older and want to Upgrade, I could possibly think about a complete factory Rebuild, ETC. For right now though I dont have nearly the cash$$$$$$$$$$$
  3. DURALAST Batteries have a extra plastic plate on the covering, to protect the battery. My Moms boyfriend has 3 and they are GREAT!!!!!!!!!
  4. It was gut renching reading this whole thread, but I am glad that you got your boat back. NOW GO CATCH SOME HAWGS!!!!
  5. I'll be 15 in less than a month and I have 2 jobs. Paper Boy and a Recreation Center assistant. Plus he is only asking $2500
  6. Yes, I hope so too. As for the Portfolio I do have one with all my articles and pictures. I think I have a good resume now, but I am going to remake mine this summer and its going to be in color and everything, and I am sure going to include the articles. -Nick
  7. Yes I know, I am so lucky to have a mother that does so much for me and supports whatever decisions I may take. I thank God for her everyday. I will make sure to say a special thanks to my mom today on behalf of BassResource.com Thanks, Nick
  8. That is the one thing I was worried about. I have learned of some test though to check for rot. Such as: Tilting Motor up and having somebody put full weight on lower unit, check for any slight flexing. Also standing directly on transom. The motor I am going to have checked out at a local Marine repair shop nearby. I talked to them its only about $60. The guy has kept really good care of it since 1994. I finally figured out how to post larger pics so here are some.
  9. Its mainly what the seller said. And looking from the Condition of the boat I believe him. though I will remove those comments so I can get a basic review on the motor, running or not. -Nick
  10. GO TO: http://theolympian.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060707/OUTDOORS/607070373/1038 I made it in the Olympian Newspaper here in Olympia, WA. Its about me and the fishing trip that I took the Editor on. Bad weather, whihc he didnt mention, kinda screwed up fishing. But it was alot of fun. It was the feature story on the Outdoors page. Thanks, Nick Barr
  11. I have been looking for a bot in the past month and have found a 1983 17' Skeeter Starfire 150, with a 1984 Evinrude 150 XP. It all looks in good/great condition from Pics. What are your opinions on this boat and Motor.
  12. You can go with Stand-Out hooks though I believe a Finesse Wide Gap Gammy is the ticket. To get the hook up straight, run tag line thouh Eye towards sinker as previous post. Less Hang-Ups!!!! Get some Quickdrops Dropshot Sinkers, they are very snagless due to teardrop design, also it has a knotless line clip so you can just break the sinker off and keep the hook and tag line, if you pull hard enough. It has a swivel for reduced line twist. I believe that if you used some Quickdrops sinkers it would cure alot of your problems with the dropshot. www.quickdrops.com
  13. I may have an amount of sponsors, But before I even think about sending my resume and trying to be on the pro-staff of a company, I must always believe in their Product 100% and be a life long user of their baits/rods, etc. I will never steer somebody the wrong way. I use my sponsors products ALOT, and I do catch alot of my fish with them. All my replies are 100% truth and what I believe will help the other person get what their looking for... to become a better Bass Fisherman. As some of you know my one of my favorite baits is a Gary Yamamoto DT HULA GRUB, and some of my sponsors baits. But I will always tell the person straight up what I believe 100% will help them.. All the Time. One thing that I love about the beauty of this forum is that everyone is here to learn and to teach others. Which I think alot of bass fishing is about.
  14. WELCOME and Everbody come on in!!!!!!! Its all good!!!! YOU WILL BECOME A BETTER BASS ANGLER!!!!! I know that I did.
  15. With My deck I just took Plywood and Painted/Sealed it with Rust-o-leum all weather Paint and its Good to Go!!
  16. I am looking into Buying a 1984 BASS TRACKER Tournament v-17, with a 1984 75 HP Suzuki. If i were to Buy it, I am buying it from a friend. But what is y'alls feedback on this boat? Plus it goes 45 MPH with only a 75 on it when its rated for 90HP!
  17. If I am Correct, FICHT was a special Injection System of some kind made in the mid to late 90's by Evinrude/Johnson. If it doest say FICHT its probably isnt. But I am not 100% sure.
  18. I am a firm believer that scent covers up your scent, makes the fish hold on longer, and if its a Colored Scent I can dye my tails for about 30 casts. I am not sure if it helps your catch rate. But it does give a little something extra to the fish which I like. I LOVE MIKE"S LUNKER LOTION BASS SCENT
  19. I have a 5 horse Tohatsu and my friend has the 18 Hp Tohatsu all four strokes. So far I have not ocme across a more reliable and user friendly Small outboard than a Tohatsu. Also, Nissan and Tohatsu are the same thing. So which ever one is cheaper get it. and put the max HP as you can. Lastly, as long as you take good care of it, it will run nice and smooth for a LONG time.
  20. Great Idea, Observing your surroundings will always help you as a fisherman
  21. The First Time I saw it I laughed, a pretty clever Idea on their part. now its just annoying. seeing a half naked Ike and skeet Plus I never was a berkely customer.
  22. Totally describes my buddy, I can get him to stop throwing the senko, I always encourage him to try something different and he doesnt!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Rule: Destroy all reciepts, alter all bank statements, get a secret bank account in the Caman Islands for your stash of fishing money.
  24. I just did it a minute ago, I was pouring some plastics and my pyrex glass just shattered on me and literally exploded! I got some on my shirt and shorts and shoes, luckily I was quick enough to not get my skin burned too bad, a couple small little blisters from drops of plastic. I am literally baffled on how this could happen, I did not rapidly cool or heat it for a long period, just like usual times 1 min. Microwave and 15 sec. each until pourable. I was pouring and boom the thing exploded! I just wan to know if this has ever happened to anybody Else, or what went wrong?
  25. My mom's boyfriend bought 2 optima batteries that they say would last hime the length of time his boat would be in existance and we got out the first day and the pooped out on us. 2 bad batteries!!!!!!!! We took them basck and they were fully charged 12V batteries only producing up to 6V Max!!!!!! They have had problems before with these bateries before, so we bought 3 DuraLast BAtteries and they are AWESOME and only $60 a battery
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