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Everything posted by Nick_Barr

  1. CONGRATS LBH!!! I have known Jim for 2 years and he has certainly picked the right guy. I participated in my first CAST event this past year and it is AWESOME!!!!!!! if you have not done it before, I recommend you to go and volunteer your time.
  2. I was just reading about the History of Skeeter Boats today and at a tournament the "WRANGLER" was introdueced in the mid 70's, which blew everybodies mind, although not a GREAT Boat. Then to take even a bigger risk in 1979 Skeeter Unveiled the "STARFIRE" Series of boats which was one of the first TRUE Aggressive High Performance Speedy BASS BOAT Hull. Trust me, I have a 84 Starfire, and its just as good of a hull as some of todays smaller bass boats. So to be Exact, the Hulls of today really spawned off of the Starfire Series from skeeter in the late 70's.
  3. I was fishing in a tournament dragging a jighead and I thought I had a fish on and in fact I hooked the top Eye Guide of a 15 year old Shimano AX Combo valued at $15 at Wal-Mart.!!!!!!
  4. add on a solar panel battery maintainer to maximize your time on the water. You can pick them up at any auto store for $15-20
  5. -Pro Fisherman -Boat Dealer -Tackle Rep -Boat rep -Guide -Biology -Fisheries -Commercial fisherman ...to name a few
  6. I RECIEVED THE MOJO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got it Last week and took it to a tournament with me this weekend (WSBF STATE QUALIFIER COLUMBIA RIVER, I got called 48 hours in advance to go and fill in for a guy for this big state tournament) The top 60 State federation fisherman, a team is sent from each club. DAY 1: HELD THE MOJO DURING BLAST OFF, It was an EXTREMELY TOUGH DAY, I caught a 3.2 Smallie in he Morn. then had 12 inch dinks the rest of the day on a Dropshot and a Crankbait. I had 7.2 lbs. and Still Came in 21rst PLACE out of 60 anglers DAY 2: Fishing was better, JUST COULDNT GET FISH TOO THE BOAT!!!!! I had a limit of dinks. Plain and simple LOST 3, 2lb. Smallmouth within 3 minutes of each other on a 30 yard stretch on a SPINNERBAIT. One came off at the boat and others came unhooked a little sooner. 6.04 lbs, came in 32nd out of 60 I felt I did good becasue I got to fish against the BIG BOYS, These were the top 60 federation Fisherman in the state and I finished in the middle of the pack or better both days. Also Enjoyed being on new water, never been out on the Columbia River. ITS REALLY COOL OFF THE MOJO GOES TO ANOTHER GREAT MEMBER OF THE BASSRESOURCE.com FORUMS!!!!!!!! OFF OFF and AWAY!!!! (Sorry No Pics, camera pooped out)
  7. A good Friend of mine is a pro-staffer for Legend Boats. I REALLY LIKE THE BOAT, it rides like a champion, yet still goes 72 mph Fully Loaded. REALLY NICE BOATS
  8. Thanks!!!! I dont know which I am more Excited about. an expenses paid trip to Tulsa Is Fun for the time Being. BUT A $5,000 Scholarship will take me farther in life.
  9. I will post my essay soon, also I dont know who I will be fishing with. One of the FujiFilm or Wal-Mart Pro's The said.
  10. I just Recieved Word that I am one of the 6 Ambassadors/Scholarship Winners for the Kids fishing All-American Scholarship!!!!!! They said I am going to be the main Spokesman!!!!!!! Its a $5,000 Savings bond towards Education, and I get to fly down to Tulsa, OK. Next Year to fish with a Pro in a tournament!!!!!!!! Also sponsor packages from their sponsors!!!! TO find out more go to http://kids-fishing.com/teamprogram.php Thanks, Nick
  11. Alright, After running my Evinrude 1984 150 XP, It ran fine, started up and I put it in High Idle and sounded all good. Then I took the cowling off and it there is a small amount of pre-mix dripping from the lower seals on the carbs, I checked the screws and they are a little loose so I am going to get an Angled screwdriver and tighten them. Should That fix the problem or may it be something worse? Thanks, Nick
  12. On my little 12 foot homemade Bass Boat with a 5 horse Tohatsu, I went ot a lake to fish on Sat. My mom dropped me off and I was fishing for a little while around some Islands next o the launch. I start the engine and going to take off towards another spot and my engine revs up and I am not going anywhere????????????? I take off the cowling, play around with it. Call the local marine shop, they cant help me so I call my mom to pick me up after some more fishing. Then We pull into the marine repair and a guy I know who works there says. "Well, you know, you cant go nowhere unless you have a prop." We got out and there was no prop!!! I spun it in the lake. We failed to notice that there was no prop on it after playing around for an hour fiddling with the engine. Also yesterday I saw a guy with a rust bucket truck and an old junked out pleasurecraft and in the middle of the city of Seattle the ball hitch on his bumper fell compeletly OFF!!!!!!!! RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. 1983 Skeeter Starfire, 1984 Evinrude XP150, Custom Made SS 3 Blade 25P. Light Load 65-67 MPH, Though the XP is a GAS HAWG so I can go about 35 and get good economy when on smaller lakes or fun fishing. I was in a 22 foot Bullet with only a 200 Mariner MAGNUM XP. He said he can top out at about 85 MPH, but he said we were cruising at 65MPH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. CAJUNS ARE REALLY NICE BOATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You wont go wrong.
  15. I have gone a couple days getting skunked, mainly on days when its windy and I spend more time trying to control my little boat than fish. Also in Western WA, our weather is so screwed up sometimes, I dont know why I dont see more bass in th ER from rapid Barometer Changes....LOL
  16. I would also go with Evinrude, there new small motors are SWEET, though Yamaha and Merc have been good, so has Tohatsu
  17. I have to 2nd Luke Clausen, also homestate hero. Stupid thing though is that most of WA State didnt even care that he won the classic, let alone know about it. 1-5 1# Joe Thomas- LOVE his TV Show and his marketing, plus his books 2#Luke Clausen- Homestate Hero 3# Denny Brauer- Good Ole Denny 4# Al Linder- Master Teacher 5# Aaron Martens/Ike/Swindle/Clunn- The best at what they do
  18. Great Job, cool idea about the under cover contest.
  19. I usually fan cast a drop shot, just twitching and dragging it back to the boat. Using a Quickdrops Sinker really helps when it somes to sensitivity on this technique. I might locate a piece of cover, then I will get away from it and fan cast to it and around it, working it from different angles, then If I catch a fish I may go staright ovewr it and work it slower.
  20. NAVIONICS ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!! When I walked into Outdoor Emporium, I talked to a good buddy Johnabout maps. He showed me the difference inbetween the lowrance maps and navionics maps on a display lowrance XC-11. There are way more countour lines and definition on the navionics chips, he showed me a spot on my favorite lake and I went to this shallow hump where it is 6 feet deep and can see bottom. It showed up perfectly on the navionics chip, with the lowrance it showed it being 30 feet deep with no hump, where you can see bottom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NAVIONICS IS THE WAY TO GO!!!!
  21. A Ghost Baits G-Stick It is VERY Soft and LOADED with Salt and a secret Scented Ingredient. It has a very similar. almost exact fall rate of the Senko and has an awesome wiggle on the way down. Only $3.75 for 10
  22. I am so thankful for my mother, she helped me purchase the boat, by putting up some money to get me started, fortunately I didnt have too spend too much. The rig is pretty sweet, just cosmetics it needs tome TLC, but its 20 years old. For a boat of that age it is VERY Nice and I got a deal on it. The best thing is the motor, it runs like a dang Muscle Car. When he sold it to me he said he is most proud of the Engine, he has kept it clean, lubed and WELL taken care of in the past 12 years. Thanks Guys, without your input I would have been lost on some subjects. THANKS!!!!!!!!!
  23. WELL, I bought her!!!!!!! $2300. The Transom Checked out. VERY SOLID!!!!!!!! So is the floors. Just the hinges are old and some are going to be needed to be replaced. Some minor Fiberglass issues. Mainly Cosmetic. Nothing Major. One good weekend with the help of a couple buddies and she will be as good as NEW The ENGINE RUNS LIKE A BEAST!!!!!!!!!!!!! Starts very easy, very clean engine, not alot of buildup on any part of the Engine. The thing is super smooth steerin with Posi-Steer and dual Cable steering. GREAT Hole Shot and really good top end. I almost sometimes thought the engine sounded and ran like a pure american made Muscle Car. I just need to Restore the Gel-Coat, with some wet sanding and buffering and a good weekly spritzing of bass boat saver. SHE WILL LOOK MIGHT PURDY!!!!! I am very happy!! Add a couple small things and its 100% fishable. I am working extra in August to get money to purchase some new fish-finders and a bigger used trolling motor. Cosmetically she's OK, PERFORMANCE IS TOP NOTCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Low 60's and I got a hang of te steering/handling quite quickly. (After reading about 10 articles) Cant wait to get her finished and OUT ON THE WATER!!!!!!!! I may even be working out a Boat wrap deal with a guy who was my boater for the Jr. State Championship!!!!!!!!!!!! PS: When we were putting the boat in, the rope came loose and the boa floated away into the lake so I said Screw it dropped my cell phone, wallet and Hat and jumped right in and retrieved the boat.
  24. O yeah, JUST FOR COSMETICS, the GEL-COAT is starting to fade, but it doesnt matter that much? Just for looks, right? at least thats what I have heard.
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