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Everything posted by Nick_Barr

  1. Any help would be greatly appreciated. We are luckily able to fly down due to having a nice sized flight voucher from our trip down to our first ever Bassmaster Classic this winter. We have a friends truck to use down there as well.
  2. Hi Everyone, My name is Nick Barr and I am a Collegiate Angler from Eastern Washington University. My partner Jarred and I just fished our Western Regional on Clear Lake, CA and unfortunately were unable to qualify for Nationals, a bad day one can really put you in a hole you cannot dig out of! Our last shot at going to nationals again is to fish the B.A.S.S. College Wildcard Event on Pickwick Lake on June 27th-28th. Which will be a 4,500 mile round trip drive for us towing my 19' Legend. We are trying to just rent a commuter car if possible since we have limited funds to make this trip work. I was hoping to know if there is anyone in the area that may be willing to let us borrow or rent their boat, or knows of someone who may, for the Tournament & Practice period? We would be more than willing to pay to rent the boat and will make sure to top it off with Gas and Oil at the end, along with treating the boat with the utmost care. All the help and support is greatly appreciated. Feel free to PM me, email me at NickTBarr@Hotmail.com, or call (360) 485-9462 Thank You, Nick Barr
  3. I have a Keelshield on my boat, and will never go without one. Beaching on small lakes, especially when by yourself, the Keelshield protects your boat nicely. www.Keelshield.com
  4. Olympia/Lacey, WA Have not been on in a while, but I am trying to make it back. -Nick
  5. Check out the Lamiglas Competitor Series rod, it is a great rod for roughly $80. www.Lamiglas.com
  6. Hi Guys, Here is the Press Release from me going to be on the NATIONAL PBS Show Biz Kid$ Press Release February 28th 2008 Nick Barr and PBS Show Biz Kid$ Team up to inform youth on Finances Seattle, WA- Youth bass angler Nick Barr and PBS Show Biz Kid$ are teaming up to teach young adults about finances. Nick Barr is participating in Episode 9 of the new Biz Kids series airing nationally on PBS. The show features kids across the nation who know about business. Nick's episode is based on the difference between Cash and Credit featuring Nick and his Legend Bass Boat and how he obtained the money to pay for it using credit. The episode will take a small dive into how to obtain a loan and the process. This is Nick's first time on national television and he says "It was great getting to film this, I had a lot of fun and the crew was great. I was really surprised to see how much filming it takes to put the story together. I look forward to seeing this show." Nick liked the idea of helping youth learn about finances. "It feels great; a lot of teenagers don't understand about credit and financing a major purchase. Many do not have a job and are very misinformed when it comes to finances. This show will help them when they get out into the real world." Part of Nick's success is due to his ability to connect with people. In the show you will see his industry partners: Legend Boats, Mercury Marine, Outdoor Emporium, Lamiglas Rods, KGM Baits, Quickdrops, Gamakatsu, Keelshield, Red Creek Embroidery, StowMaster Nets, Gary Yamamoto Custom Baits, Navionics and Gamma Fishing Line. If you would like to know more about Nick Barr, you can visit his new website: NICKBARRFISHING.COM. Nick's show airs locally in Western Washington on Wednesday, March 5th at 7:30pm on Channel 12 KBTC. Biz Kid$ airs nationally every Wednesday at 7:30PM on your local PBS Station. Thanks, Nick
  7. I would say BassCat, support the smaller, better bass boat company. Among those 4 I think you would be more satisfied with the BassCat Along those lines, if you have never heard of Legend, give them a look. www.RidewithaLegend.com -Nick
  8. John Storie designed all of the above mentioned hulls, making more improvements along the way. The LEGEND boat company by itself is Awesome, the customer service is AWESOME and the fit and finish is the best in the industry. The hull performs great in rough water and is still a fairly fast boat for the soft ride. Most Legends reach low to mid 70's loaded. The LE hull is the John Storie design that was slightly changed at Legend when legend bought the molds (NEVER BOUGHT OUT HAWK) and the new ALPHA Series is a straight Legend created design. Both are flat out awesome boats. You may think I am just spitting these words out of my mouth because they are one of my sponsors, but as a a non boater for 3 years, I have ridden and fished out of many boats and once I fished in a Legend, I knew that is what I wanted. If you need any more info, just PM me. -Nick
  9. Hi everyone!! I am not trying to advertise my website in any way, but I would like some feedback. My website is www.NickBarrFishing.com I was hoping I could get some feedback on what you would like to see on the website as I am only about 50% finished. Thanks, Nick
  10. Dennis Dixon from ORE. this year, NEXT YEAR: Jonathan Stewart from Oregon, he is truly a gifted athlete.
  11. I LOVE!!!! Atlas Mike's BASS Scent, its a goo type that stays on for a LONG TIME and dissapates with great force. It helps as I believe the fish hold on longer and dont detect human scent as quick.
  12. Yes, that is a great way to do it. Get in with a local tackle store, and meet as MANY PEOPLE as ossible and make great relationships, if they think you can bring something special to their rep company or their clients, windows will open.
  13. Plugs are expensive for the Optimax, thats about all the complaints I could have with my optimax. At WOT ALL ENGINES DRINK GAS, but at midrange RPMs I dont even notice the gas usage. You will be happy with the 150 Opti
  14. I have seen nboth of these boats at a boat show and got into looking at both of them extensively since they were both highly promoted. From all I can say, the Nitro wins hands down in quality.
  15. BRING YOUR FRIENDS, IT IS A PUBLIC LEAGUE THIS TIME (increase participation due to late start)
  16. I know I started it kinda late. I have been really busy. COME JOIN, COME JOIN!!!!!!
  17. I have started yet another ***tasy League No Prizes guaranteed this time, but it is a lot of fun IT is called BassResource.com BASSERS Actually B-R.com Bassers minus the Hyphen The is no password Got to http://games.espn.go.com/basschallenge/bass/frontpage -Nick
  18. Thank You guys I would love to be as active as I used to be on this board, but have not found the time. I am the President of two Fishing Clubs, Varsity Football Player, Honor Roll Student, DECA Participant, Marketer/Promoter, paper boy, and last but not least a tournament fisherman. As you can see, I have been VERY VERY VERY VERY BUSY!!!!!!!!!! I have not had the time to really scan any bass fishing forums too often and I HAVE QUIT WATCHING TV (Except for fishing shows and occasional news) I know no that watching TV sorta rots your brain out and takes away too much time. I have also trying to get going a youth program here at a local club. I am actually going on a "type" of vacation, I am going tomorrow for a 14 Hr. Drive to pick up my BRAND NEW LEGEND LE-186 with a 150 Mercury Optimax. I have also improved so much in my computer skills as I have done lots of business on the computer and my typing has excelled. Last year I was in middle shcool so I had time to be on the computer. As a freshman in high school it is hard to find the time to do anything else beyond what I am trying to do. If anybody would like to email me, my new address is NickTBarr@hotmail.com, It is one of the only things I check regularly right now. Thank You, Nick Barr
  19. McCoy Mean Green is a local favorite in WA for Cranking, I like it for everything. -Nick
  20. The Youth are the FUTURE of the sport and I personally believe there should be more support to get as many kids out fishing.
  21. I wanted a 9 lber, never saw one that big this year. My biggest of the year was a 6 1/4 lber. during the summer. For smallies, I wanted to break 5 1/4 lbs. I only got 4 1/4 lbs. (2 of them though, on the same day in a tourny ;D Prediction: -LM= 7 1/2 lbs. -SM= 6 lbs. BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!! CANT WIT TILL SPRING
  22. You pretty much hit it on the head. Any light to Med-Light Rod will do, but I personally use the Lamiglas XPS 662 "Drop Shot Special" Any 2 power rod will work for Dropshotting I use an shimano 2500 reel or even a 1500 will work, just wont hold as much line 6-8 lb. Test Line will work, I prefer a thin, easy casting line such as McCoy. I will use any weight from 1/16-1/2 oz. depending on the wind and deeper. I use Quickdrops, but a split shot weight will be fine, just twists more More Wind or more depth, heavier weight. That is just my rule of thumb. You Have to remember you are immitating prey, If you are using a Bottom Dwelling fish, use a short leader with little hops. a schooling or suspended fish recieves even 1-3 foot leader. For Crawfish a short leader works great!!!!!!!! I mainly CAST the Drop-Shot, very scarcely do I go totally verticle with it. Its kinda called DropSwimming. I believe it works better than totally verticle, giving it a lot of shaking action. With a dropshot you can add ALOT MORE ACTION wo your bait without actually moving it outside the strike zone.
  23. I guess I can get some Extra credit in my English Class for writing a paper on "DROPSHOT" ;D I will try and compose a drop shot article!!!!
  24. I love using it from shore, though just like everyone else said, it snags easy. I would prefer a really light 1/16 oz. quickdrops sinker or split shot weight.
  25. For $12-13K You could look into an XPRESS H51 (90HP) or H50 (75HP)
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