Since a lot of people recommend YZH and Ultragreen and TT ran tests on them, I ran some analysis using TT's findings while making the assumption that the manufacturer's tendency to understate strength and underreport diameter would be uniform enough between offerings to determine which line-tests are most comparable between brands and draw some possible inferences about how the products compare.
TT's findings on 10lb Ultragreen would indicate that Ultragreens 8lb offering is actually .0116" with 12lb tensile strengh and knot strength of 8.64lbs. Although both were good on stretch (lack of) / sensitivity, Ultragreen had about a 20% edge over YZH. On abrasion resistance, where I place a high premium, Ultragreen had a substantial 85.7% advantage over YZH, which I don't trust. The guys at TT reported having much better on-water experiences, and too many of you have reported the same. There's no doubt that these less expensive lines have bad batches and bad sections, and I think that's at play here.
To compare apples with Ultragreen v YZH, it's UG 8lb detailed above vs YZH 10lb, which is listed by Yo-Zuri and confirmed by TT as .012", with a 13.4lb tensile strength and knot strength of 8.71lbs. The two offerings' knot strengths being so close is why I plan to test 8lb Ultragreen v. 10lb YZH as roughly equal offerings.
Before leaving TT, I looked at other copoly/mono reviews; the testing of Super Natural seemed to validate my thoughts that it's a fine open water line, but maybe not the best for tangling with heavy cover as I always do.
Where things got interesting was TT had a review on the original P-Line. Surprisingly, adjusted according to the percentage variances experienced by TT on the 12-lb, the 6lb-rated test advertised at .0084", but projected at .0089 with a projected tensile strength of 9.54 and knot strength of 8.34lbs ALMOST could compare to the lines above. The P-Line original 8lb, following the same logic, is advertised at .00949" but would actually be .0101" with a projected tensile strength of 12.72lbs and knot strength of 11.12. This is a line that is 15-19% smaller than the chosen Ultragreen and YZH lines above, with seemingly 27-28% more strength. On stretch/sensitivity, it falls right between YZH and UG (all three are good), and the abrasion resistance tested very good at about 77% of Ultragreen's really impressive abrasion resistance.
So my next question is does anyone have any experience with P-Line Original?