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  • Gender
  • Location
    Durham and Burlington NC
  • My PB
    Between 10-11 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Too many to list!

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  • About Me
    Just your average fisherman. Been fishing for years including past small tournaments, still get skunked. Well, fish all esters in central NC.

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  1. I have used jigs and twister-tail to some degree off piers. Gotcha plugs for spanish but not a freshwater lure. Also spoons, particularly gold spoons but I have used them more in the surf but have jigged them with success around pier pilings.
  2. I have had the opportunity to fish the week of Christmas the last several years on the west coast, mostly rivers and the Okeechobee, I have had a fair amount of success on a Texas rigged Zoom plastic worm , no secret there. Dont think they make the worm I really like which is a large paddle tailed worm called "The Big-Dead Ringer".
  3. I have had the luck to catch many Musky in the Niagara River. Most if not all were caught casting large jointed hard baits and yes they did/do look rather archaic by todays standards. I guess they are more attracted by the movement than the high end graphic meant to catch the fisherman's wallet.
  4. Fish, other fisherman (self-retrieved) , glasses, hats and more hats(99%retrieved), lures and pliers. Have caught many odd things, once a smb lost to a break off and caught the next day with my lure still in its mouth.
  5. I have a Jon boat that I converted to look and function like a (slow) bass boat, complete with foot mounted trolling motor. I fish out of the Alamance side therefore. I have fish the quarry and non-motorized out of a kayak however. Needles to say not very successfully, just cannot figure out that lake and have spent a great deal of time fishing it. Could not figure out when they even spawned last year. I find the fish all off shore always suspended. At any rate, I am determined to learn more about fishing it with some success.
  6. Hello from central NC . I have been fishing for about 45 years now. Grew up catching river smallies, trout, walleye, perch, carp, salmon, (well if it had fins i was interested)and pike in Western NY . Been here in central NC for 30 years now. Most of the species such as Musky are rare here so it's been LMB, cats and Crappies for the most part. I see there are others here from NC, maybe someone can teach me to fish Lake Mackintosh my nemesis!
  7. Mdd71


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