I really like using chicken liver, but it's such a pain to keep on the hook, I found another way. Get some Friskies Concoctions cat food in Salmon and chicken liver flavor. Comes in a purple can. Mix in some crushed Wheaties, or just the store brand Bran flakes until it makes a paste thick enough not to stick to your fingers. Better use 3 or 4 cans since there will be a few of you.
Bury your hook in a small ball of the paste,rub some on the line just above it for 6 inches or so to disguise the line, and cast it out. Make up some small balls of bait beforehand, and after you cast, throw them all around your bait. Cats and Carp will both eat this bait. I use either a #2 J hook, or a 3/0 Team Catfish Circle hook with the barb pinched down.
I agree with Gordo too. Leave the stinkbaits at home. They have never worked as well for me as fresh cutbaits have.