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    15 yr old like hunting and fishing

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  1. Hello, I am 15 and I don’t know a whole lot about fishing lines so I am looking for some advice. I have a 7ft medium heavy rod with a 4000 Daiwa spinning reel. I use this rod for bass in the river and ponds around my area. I use this rod for pretty much every technique and lure type because I only have one bass rod so it’s a do it all kind of rod, I will say I mainly throw soft plastics though. (T rigs ned rigs etc). As of now I am using 8lb mono and it has started wear. All of my friends use 15lb fc and it seems to work well for them. They have baitcasters though, and I’ve heard it’s hard to use fc as your mainline on a spinning reel. I’ve read a bit online and it seems a braid mainline to fc leader would be good for me. I thought that a 20-25lb braid to a 10-12 fc leader would be good? Is this in the ballpark of what lb test I should be using? Any brands to look for or to stay away from? Any info on this would help me out. Thanks, -Eli
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