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Everything posted by Basseditor

  1. If you think they are "tainted" you're about 3-4 years behind. I have about 20 rods from Kistler. Sensitive and strong. Among my sons and I, we have 40 plus rods. None ever broke and the warranty is reasonable.but we haven't needed it. We've landed bass over 13 pounds.
  2. Mid-90s tomorrow most likely. Just right for me.
  3. I have done well lately with quarter ounce spot removers and Grandebass Rattlesnake'O. I fish it on 7' MH rod. Bait caster, not spinning, with 15 or 20 lb Invisx. I don't fish many clear water lakes, as you can tell by my setup. I could use lighter line I know, but I tried 12 lb test the other day and broke off a big one. It seems every time I go light, I break off. I guess if I was in really clear water, I'd use lighter line. Years ago I fished with mostly light line (6 lb. test), but I find I get as many bites with 15 or 20 lb. test flouro, so why take chances and lose a big one. Those big ones often take the Snake'O really deep, so the line rubs on their teeth.
  4. I get good results with my older pflueger trion. I do worry about them wearing out soon, however. The Trion holds quite a bit of 25# flouro for tossing my big swim baits and Arigs.
  5. I have so many reels that I have every major and some minor brands covered. Believe it or not, while I use some higher priced reels for specific purposes (for example cranking or finesse), I use Academy Mettles more than any other reel for all my mid range casting needs. Some Mettles have braid, but most have 20# flouro. I bought 10 Mettles during Black Friday sale for $25 each. Only drawback is line capacity if I use 65# braid; I can cast the Mettles right down to the knot on the spool with baits like spooks. That's why I got some Revo 3s. They hold a little more line.
  6. My problem is using the same slow presentation baits over and over. I need to cover more water trying to find active fish. It seems I always assume fishing will be slow so I start with a Weightless Senko or super fluke. It's just an old habit I guess because more often then not, fishing is slow most of the time I get to go.
  7. Yes, pretty subjective. I have no connection with the company, but I like all of my kistlers. Especially the z-bones: I have the following z-bones 7' MH (4 power) 7'3" (2 power) 7'3" (4 power) 7'3" heavy (5 power) 7'6" heavy (5 power) 7'11" extra heavy (6 power) 7'11" Alabama rig special Plus several Heliums and magnesiums.
  8. I throw super flukes on an academy mettle, 7' Kistler rod, and 20# Invisx flouro. I use 20# to get those bass out of the grass. I hardly use spinning gear any more. This set up casts surprisingly good.
  9. I keep my plastics in the original bags and put the bags by bait type in those 99 cent mesh laundry bags from Walmart. All the mesh bags go in a small soft-sided duffle bag. For example, Senkos in one bag, flukes in another etc. but scented baits like power worms go in the water proof Plano boxes. Again, I keep them in the original bags. I like the sealed boxes because sometimes the zip lock doesn't seal tight.
  10. I bought some a year ago or so. I've caught fish, but no giants. I noticed, after I landed the bass, my line was frayed from the line through rigging. Now I use a heavy leader attached to a swivel for about 18". I tried 80lb flouro at first, but didn't need that heavy so now I use 30lb flouro leader. Seems to work good, but until I catch a real giant on it I won't know for sure.
  11. Always a fun topic of show and tell. I had a chance to take a job in Texas a few years ago. My previous personal best was a smallmouth at 7lb-3oz. My LMB PB was 6.5 lbs. (I've caught 100s of 5-7 lb smallmouth before moving here.) In the last year or so, my LMB PB jumped up. I got a 7 plus (forgot exact weight), then several 8+, several 9s (9-13) biggest; then two months later, 10-5. My biggest bass in a tournament is 8.44.
  12. I haven't read the book yet. But, my experience finds big bass are different. They go active sooner in the year and stay active longer in the fall/winter. I'm lucky to now live within 5 hours of some big bass lakes. In the last 18 months I've broken my PB several times, from 7s, to 8s, to several 9s and finally a 10. When you shake off 5-6s so you can get back to catching 8s-9, you know you are onto something. Baits of choice: 7" Senkos 10" power worms (a faster stitching speed though). I'm going to 12" next. And 6XD. My son got a 13.35 on one of those trips.
  13. I'm a magazine publisher (manager) of a staff of editors, writers, photographers, and graphic designers. Manage budgets, subscriptions, too. Been doing it for 20 years — all the magazines I worked on have been fishing and outdoor related. Every day is fun. Under grad degree in English and Masters Degree in communications.
  14. I tried to make a living as tournament angler on a shoe string budget. Had some minor success in mid level events, but the two days of driving, six or seven days of fishing, and two more days of driving again, would wear me out. Every two weeks or so. Seriously though, the practice days were critical. You need to know not only know where to fish, but when. If I found a good looking area, I would go back to it four to five times in a day to see when they were most likely to bite. Like it has been mentioned, dawn to dusk fishing and sleeping for only fours a night is likely. The more events I fished, the more in tune I felt. The more I caught too. Time on the water. Confidence. Versatility. But most of all, IMO, is desire. How bad do you want it? Are you willing to sacrifice everything? I found out I didn't want to be on the road 300 days a year.
  15. I have interstates that are going on 3+ years, but one did need to be replaced at 2 years. I bought Walmart 29 series more than a year ago. It tests fine. I'm going to buy all new Walmart batteries because if one needs replacing under warranty there is always a Walmart nearby.
  16. Todd knows what he is talking about.
  17. It's weird here in south-central Texas too. Maybe record lows next two nights. Low 40s or colder. Should be in the 80-90s this time of year. A couple of summers ago we had record number of days above 100.
  18. So if flouro is less visible to the fish, why not use a little heavier line? Light line for me is 15 lb. most of my set ups are 20 lb. — all Invisx. But I use 25 lb a lot, too. Just use a Paloma's knot, tied slowly and wet it as you cinch it up. Before it gets too tight, pull the tag end only. Again slowly. If I hang up on the rocks etc, I have to tie my line to a boat cleat and use the electric to pull to break it off.
  19. Smallmouth: I've caught hundreds of 5 lb or more on 1/16 oz jig head with the original Bobby Garland Fat Gitzit (tube lure). The original 136 color. (Chartreuse/red flake with smoke/red flake tail.)
  20. I should name my boat after my wife, then she can't say I don't spend time with her. Ha.
  21. Some brands have vented mouths. But my glasses still fog a little. I use several different ones. I am pleased with how well I feel after coming in at night. I don't feel any of the effects of the sun.
  22. Half to one ounce for 10-12" worms. 3/8 and 1/4 tungsten for most everything else.
  23. My first bass was while musky fishing in Wisconsin. I dont remember how old i was. maybe 8 or so. Caught it on a suick worked over the top of vegetation. I was disappointed it wasn't a musky. But we had a great trip. Several 4-5 lb largemouth, 42" northern and 48" musky. My dad caught the musky but the newspaper ran a picture of my brother and I holding it. I misplaced the photo. That was more than 50 years ago.
  24. Not much better in Texas today. Only 57 today. But we'll be at 100 soon enough.
  25. The annual Toyota Texas Bass Classic takes the top anglers from FLW, B.A.S.S. and PAA. It could be considered the Super Bowl of bass fishing. I think that the top 15 from each tour qualify for it.
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