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Everything posted by Basseditor

  1. 7'6" heavy Kistler Helium rod, 65 lb braid, any wide spool reel for more line capacity. (I use an older Pflueger patriarch) When the frog bite is on I use 3 rods with different colors/styles of frogs. I add a 7'11" and a 7'3" heavy or extra heavy rod so I can change presentations quickly. All with braid.
  2. I mean how Pixy R compares to other options for $500?
  3. Not sure I follow. Pixy type R? Some other type R? I got some Tatula type R, but not sure they meet my needs totally. How do they compare to other $4-500 reels?
  4. I know this thread kinda ran out. I found it by searching Pixy. Would you prefer to buy a Pixy or spend less on a different reel and spend the difference super tuning it? I need something for finesse that's not a spinning reel. I'm going to put it on a 2 power (medium light) 7'3" rod.
  5. It happens... Many times. But I load flouro to the top and back off the controls way loose. Then when I make a long cast attempt and something goes wrong it can be big trouble.
  6. Thanks guys My next tourney is on a semi clear grass lake. I have some HUD 68 weed less I'm going to try. (After the frog/top water bite slows.) It's a good A-rig lake this time of year mid-day too. I've never tried Swimbaits there though.
  7. June 28, 2012 at 2 p.m. South Texas, 106 degrees at that hour, no wind, brutally hot, Strike King 6XD, Chartreuse/blue back. Boat in 25 FOW, casting up on 8' deep flat, rocky ledge. 10.05 lbs. Released.
  8. Good info to digest. I guess I'm a cross between Barney and big bass addict. I've been fishing small tournaments for 30+ years and I have had trouble with the get a limit first mentality. In many events I got big bass of the tournament because I use big bass baits. But I don't limit out all the time, sad but true. In many tournaments a limit will get you a check but I prefer to go after big fish and end up zero or hero. I need to use swim baits more. I catch a lot of decent bass on Senkos and flukes, but all of my biggest largemouth have come on two baits: 10" PowerWorms and Strike King 6 XDs. (Off topic a little, I've caught hundreds of smallmouth between 5-8 pounds, 99% on sixteenth ounce Gitzits on 6-pound line.) Now that I live in Texas, I use mostly 20 or 25-pound line because I'm always hopeful for that next giant bass. My question in all this discussion is what does water clarity do to catching swim bait fish? It seems that the clearer lakes have better reputations as swim bait lakes?
  9. I like them. Do you know which model she found?
  10. Late June, 106 degrees, 2 p.m. Boy it was hot!
  11. Wisconsin, Florida, California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, Wyoming, Utah, Missouri, Texas. Adds up to 13 so I better go somewhere else real soon. Unless I count the Mexico side of Amistad and Falcon.
  12. Congrats. We need more employers like that. I hit 10 years at the same job next week, and I'll get a small plaque — about 6 months from now.
  13. I've been in clubs for decades in various states. The names and faces change—the internal politics don't. (Partially joking.) Affiliating with B.A.S.S or FLW can give you a good foundation: written rules, charter paperwork, insurance, etc. It's less expensive than starting from scratch.
  14. ... When you paid $200.00 for a Browning Boron rod in the late 70's and your monthly wage was $400?
  15. Strike King 6 XD. Chartreuse/blue back. It was about 106 degrees at 2:00 p.m.
  16. Yep, lost two rods when I hit the wake of a big boat crossing in front of me. It was back when the hot rods of the day were Browning boron rods. Two combos in 100' of water at the bottom of Lake Powell. That was a lot of money to me back then.
  17. I've tried several brands of shirts. I just got some new Omni Freeze SHORT sleeve (Columbia). It was in the mid to upper 90s today and it worked great. Here is my tip: get short sleeve shirts and then wear the Columbia sun sleeves. (Or other brands) This gives ventilation to up to your shoulders. But still protects your arms. I wear a wide brim hat, Omni freeze shirts, sun sleeves, buff/gaiter and gloves. I also wear thin pants rather than shorts. It makes a difference in how I feel after I get off the water.
  18. You'll be happy with the depth you can hit with both of these and they really catch fish. Plus, they won't wear you out.
  19. I had a sporting goods store many years ago. I never pulled a wage in four years. Although I loved doing it, I gave up and started something different. I think it's better to do something else because your purchasing power as a small shop makes it hard to get competitive wholesale prices. You'll find some stores selling cheaper than you can buy it for. Some products have very little gross profit margin. If you're on a road to the fishing areas may help. Then you can add convenience store items like snacks etc. Learn all you can about retailing. Inventory turnover is important. (See also Fishing Tackle Retailer magazine and online.)
  20. Down at Falcon Lake, on the Mexico side is a walkway that sticks out about 20-40 yards and at least 50-75 feet above the water, depending upon lake level. The locals fish from the walkway, and when they hook a bass, they drop a milk crate down with ropes.. Then they drag the bass into the crate just like netting a fish. Then they can pull the fish up in the crate. And they catch some big ones— 5-10 pounds. Craziest thing I've seen.
  21. Most night fishing for me is on lakes with plenty of docks with lights. Only need to use a head lamp occasionally. GPS helps follow channels. Too many wake boarders during daylight to fish safely so I like night fishing.
  22. Sometimes a reaction bite of a football jig crashing quickly on the bottom out fishes a C-rig. Other days a subtle C-rig works best. I know, the dreaded "depends" answer. I do catch more on the C-rig.
  23. I expect to catch some over 5 lbs every time I go out. (Doesn't always happen.) I'm happiest when I figure out the 8 pounders and above. I catch enough 6-7s that although they are great fish, they don't do it for me. Big fish definitely are different. You need a mind set to be happy with just one bite/ fish in a day or two days or even a week of fishing. Then a magic day comes along that blows all others away, like one day we sat on a deep rock pile all day and caught close to 40 bass from 7-10 pounds.
  24. This time of year, we fish at night with jigs around docks. I wear clear safety glasses because you won't see a jig flying back at you. I got hit pretty hard one night in the forehead, that hurt.
  25. Summer can be frustrating. Saturday, I caught some top water bass, then some 25' deep on a Carolina rig, followed by a few more in 1-2 feet of water. On the other hand, my biggest bass ever came at 2 p.m. when it was 105 degrees in mid-summer. The point is, they can be anywhere. I start shallow, move deep for a while, but I always check shallow again by mid-day. I hope it helps.
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