I always wanted to work for a magazine.
It took me a long time to get the perfect job for me. Now I manage a popular state conservation magazine for a state parks and wildlife agency. I went back to school to earn a Masters Degree in communications, which I finished when I was 50. It helped me get the job I have now by putting my application near the top of hundreds of candidates. That helped get me on the interview list.
When I hire, I get 100s of applicants, many have advanced degrees. Nearly everyone on my staff has a Masters Degree.
Now, I volunteer to help people get new employment too by coaching and training. And— Don't be afraid to volunteer somewhere— it will help you make contacts.
It's easier to get a job, when you have a job. Do something to make contacts. We have unpaid interns that gain valuable skills where I work. We help and coach them to get experience in journalism and editing. Some have gone on to new unexpected careers. Besides the ones who work in journalism, freelance writing, etc. some went on to get higher degrees including law school. Others found a niche in marketing.
I wish i had had done that at 25. It would have saved me 15 years on my career path.
But I made my own jobs along the way. I guided and worked in a tackle shop, boat dealership, etc. for small pay — but through contacts with some customers I was able to help launch other businesses with them. That gave me the knowledge I needed to manage budgets and contracts.
I'll soon retire with a state pension and I'm building web businesses and YouTube videos on the side now that will supplement my retirement funds. In fact, you can build websites in fields that interest you to make some money in the meantime.