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Everything posted by Basseditor

  1. Have you tried it with light lures? I just bought one, but haven't used it much. I was trying to get it dialed in.
  2. I bought 3 Daiwa Tatula SVs at the Bassmaster Classic. Everyone who had them for sale were at full price. $199. Except one dealer had a small sign in their booth for 20% off. He got my business. I'm not afraid to buy through eBay and Amazon either. In fact I sell on eBay too. But I'm not a dealer. I'm learning what sells and how to turn a small profit. I've bought stuff at full retail and sold on eBay for a profit.
  3. I have IONs, Contour, Panasonic and some cheaper import no name brands. No GoPro yet, but for the following reasons, I'm thinking of going to GoPro or similar. from my experience, here's my suggestions: Get one with a screen (some of mine above I need to use the phone app to compose the shots and make sure it's recording properly, which to me is a hassle). Get interchangeable battery. Most battery power lasts 2 hours or so. The battery dies it seems, just before you catch a big fish. Some don't work well with less expensive SD cards, so you have to buy premium cards.
  4. I fish Senkos — a lot. I have several perfect setups for distance. I mostly use 6" Senkos. But I have two nearly identical rods/reels. One for 5" and the other for 6". Kistler Z-bone 7'6" rods (3-power, but one is spiral wrapped, macro guides for the 5" and micro guides for 6"), Lews LITE reels, Seaguar 15-lb Invisx.
  5. Everyone has offered some interesting feedback. Houston was great as far as I'm concerned. Texas has more B.A.S.S. members than any other state, Houston area bass anglers are also the most numerous in Texas. one potential reason the overall attendance wasn't higher is there are so many bass tournaments happening in Texas every weekend, many of my friends were fishing rather than attending to watch someone else fish. i only attended the expo part. We got a reasonable rate on a room walking distance from the downtown venues so most of the logistics weren't an issue for us. Plus, parking was free with the room. As usual the tackle/equipment sales were good. We bought some nice stuff at good prices. I hope it comes back to Texas soon.
  6. I was by TB Saturday, not fishing, but helping with a tournament. Wow, the wind and rain was crazy.
  7. I just bought the Tatula SV while at the Classic. I haven't used it enough to give a thorough review but so far, so good. 20% off retail and a Huk shirt.
  8. I've been buying joyfish tungsten. Search FB.
  9. They are all listed on eBay now. I listed close to 50 new ones on eBay over the weekend.
  10. It's so pleasurable, I won't stop. But now I don't open emails from tackle companies because I'll find a deal to good to pass up. on a side note, I was at a gas station a few weeks ago that has a tackle section. They had my favorite lipless crankbaits, which have been discontinued (more like rebranded). I bought them all...41 baits at regular retail price. Watch for my eBay listings next winter. lol I think I'll at least double my money if what I saw last year on eBay continues.
  11. I always wanted to work for a magazine. It took me a long time to get the perfect job for me. Now I manage a popular state conservation magazine for a state parks and wildlife agency. I went back to school to earn a Masters Degree in communications, which I finished when I was 50. It helped me get the job I have now by putting my application near the top of hundreds of candidates. That helped get me on the interview list. When I hire, I get 100s of applicants, many have advanced degrees. Nearly everyone on my staff has a Masters Degree. Now, I volunteer to help people get new employment too by coaching and training. And— Don't be afraid to volunteer somewhere— it will help you make contacts. It's easier to get a job, when you have a job. Do something to make contacts. We have unpaid interns that gain valuable skills where I work. We help and coach them to get experience in journalism and editing. Some have gone on to new unexpected careers. Besides the ones who work in journalism, freelance writing, etc. some went on to get higher degrees including law school. Others found a niche in marketing. I wish i had had done that at 25. It would have saved me 15 years on my career path. But I made my own jobs along the way. I guided and worked in a tackle shop, boat dealership, etc. for small pay — but through contacts with some customers I was able to help launch other businesses with them. That gave me the knowledge I needed to manage budgets and contracts. I'll soon retire with a state pension and I'm building web businesses and YouTube videos on the side now that will supplement my retirement funds. In fact, you can build websites in fields that interest you to make some money in the meantime.
  12. It's bound to happen. It seems I backlash nearly one reel per trip that goes home to respool. And I've been using bait caster reels for 50 years.
  13. In order of most used: 6" Senko 5" Senko Zoom fluke Zoom trick worm 10" Powerbait worm
  14. I have and use both. I like the TWS for heavy line such as 20 or 25 # flouro. I love the Lews Tournament LITE with 15 # or under. And low gear ratio cranking. i have a bunch of the made-by-Daiwa Cabelas Arachnid. They are my work horses. My local store puts them on sale from time to time for around $100. Ii don't notice much difference with braid however.
  15. I've been searching local Walmart's and none here carry them. At that price, buy them all. I think it's the best Senko hook.
  16. I prefer short sleeve shirts and get sun sleeves. Mostly I use Columbia shirts and inexpensive sleeves called Hi Cool that you find on eBay for a couple of dollars. I don't one like the jersey shirts because the collars don't cover well. Even with buffs, I get neck sun burn.
  17. The Bassmaster Classic expo took me down. I went in order to buy the new Daiwa SV TW reel and ended up buying additional great stuff that was on sale.
  18. Welcome to the place to talk fishing. I'm only 45 minutes from you so maybe we can get out on Canyon sometime. I'm booked with events through April, but May is a little more open. Send me a message with your number.
  19. I guess I better get some. My 1000 yard spools of Invisx are getting low. Time to restock. I've used Tatsu and I'm not sure I notice a difference from Invisx. But I mostly use 20#
  20. I'm so sorry for you guys. I used to live in snow country, but not any more. Our lakes are in the mid-60s to low 70s. Fish on beds Saturday but it's the end of the spawn on most lakes locally. We cooled down for a few days to the 50s air temp, but the 80s will be back by the weekend. We've had the warmest February on record. But it's weird. Most of the lakes I fish are better when the water temp is 80 plus. The 60-70s are too cold for all the Florida strain bass in our lakes.
  21. I use one from Texas Parks & Wildlife magazine that has free fishing ID and fishing locations/tips for Texas fresh and saltwater species. Even though it's Texas oriented, some of the info is good for anywhere. Android and Apple devices. Some content requires a subscription but there is enough free info to make it a good download.
  22. I love the Senko smoke/hologram in 6" but GYB discontinued that size in that color. So I made a custom order but I had to buy the whole run. 34 bags of 50 but best buy I ever made. It is a big fish bait!
  23. I have this rod and a new Kistler Feel N Reel Rod works really well.
  24. Mostly I leave them in original bags. Then put the bags sorted by type in small laundry bags (Walmart for about a buck). These laundry bags are put in flexible duffel bags so I ca move them around. Others I put in the waterproof sealed plastic boxes (such as Powerworms). These are the boxes with the red or blue clips to clip the lid shut. The main reason I put in boxes is the bags wore out and wouldn't seal properly.
  25. Ok, I'm in the magazine business. Personally I dislike auto renew too, but it sure is saving our business. About 35 percent of people don't renew at all. And it costs lots of money to send renewal notices. Auto renew increased our renewals by a lot. Plus, it saves paper by not printing renewal notices. Most magazines have to send 6-8 renewal reminders.
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