I was in the 21' Phoenix boat storage unit (14' X 40') the other day installing a new Garmin 106 (holding off on the LVS34 for a bit), new to me HB 360, new mounting brackets to accommodate all the electronics units, etc.
She asks, "how much money do you have in here? $100,000? more?" I replied more. She said nothing more. She is ok with it.
50+ high end Kistler rods and Daiwa reels (average $700-750 each Zbone/Steez combo?) and another 50+ other brands. More: Floor to nearly three-quarters height of the 16' ceiling full of totes full of lures and plastics, rolling tool boxes full of stuff for working on boats and vehicles in the back 10' of the unit.
If I add in the 10+ boats over the years and 6-7 towing vehicles, we could easily hit $500,000 to $1 million. Next purchase is a lake house with big garage when I can find one to accommodate all this stuff.
I was frugal until about 15 years ago. I had 3 major brain surgeries; major complications and infections followed. Several other injuries and illnesses also occured. I decided to enjoy myself and buy all high-end stuff to fish with and spend what borrowed time I may have left with 9 grandsons. They will be able to carry on with little out-of-pocket money when I depart.