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About Den60

  • Birthday 10/29/1960

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  • Gender
  • Location
    San Diego, Californa
  • My PB
    Between 3-4 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    All three
  • Favorite Lake or River
    San Vicente

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  • About Me
    Golfer, aviation and new to fishing.

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  1. I'm pairing this reel with the Daiwa Tatula Bass Casting Rod 7'3" medium-heavy fast action and starting out with Xylene XL 14#. Going to use a Texas Rig with a 5" Yum worm. I have a few different colors of those. I will have two spinner R&Rs and this baitcaster R&R. Was going to rig one spinner with a hard bait and the other with a jig so I can quickly switch. I know there will be a learning curve for me with the baitcaster setup but do I look like I'm on the right track with these?
  2. You never want to be the tallest thing in the area. When in a boat, you typically are. The best thing is to bring a 1 iron because Lee Trevino, who's been hit by lightning, claims "Even God can't hit a 1 iron."
  3. Oh, I didn't say why I want to bass fish. It just seems to be the most fun. I want to try fly fishing as well. I'm not looking for it to produce food, I expect to catch and release most of the time. We are talking about taking a trip up to Idaho next year to fish and I expect if we catch some trout we will probably keep a few. As a kid, I remember catching some trout and having my mom cook them in a skillet on an open fire and how good it tasted.
  4. I'm getting into bass fishing for the fun of being outdoors and the challenge it presents. Didn't really have the patience for it when younger. It will get me outside with a group of friends that have fished a lot to go with my other buddies I golf with. Funny story. My first real job was working as a lather for my father, a plastering contractor. Worked with a guy, Jim, who was in his 60s. One time, when I was about 22, Jim told me that when it came to either fishing or sex he said fishing was more fun and less work. I looked at him like he was crazy. OK, I was in a band and we always were chasing girls. Now I am 64 and enjoy more relaxing things. My son got into fishing with a buddy of his and I do look forward to spending time with him doing that - he doesn't golf. My oldest friend Steve, known him since I was 5, always fished and always had a boat. We play music together and I started talking about getting into fishing. He sold his boat a few years back but it was expensive and he had it moored at Harbor Island. He'd go out 30-40 miles chasing tuna. His kids now are too busy with work and their own kids and he said the gas bill was outrageous. Another mutual friend I've played music with goes for a month to the Sierras to fish, hunt and prospect. When I get back from my golf trip coming next week, we are going out to San Vicente and rent a pontoon boat. Steve seems interested in getting a smaller pontoon boat like a Bass Buggy and we all would partner in it. It just seems like the right time in my life to do something new. I've been reading, watching Youtube videos and even tournament fishing to learn as much as I can which also brought me to this site.
  5. I went with the DAIWA Bait Reel 21 Zillion SV TW from Japan for $205. It will be here on Friday, right as I get back from my golf trip. Thanks for the input.
  6. I'm going to jump in here and ask the same question. I use spinning reels and would like to get a good bait caster to use. I have both Shimano or Daiwa reels. Would like to keep it under $200 for the reel. Now, on my spinning rods I cast and retrieve right-handed which is my dominant hand but I am guessing I would probably need to go with a left-handed retrieve on a bait caster.
  7. Thanks. We wouldn't be fishing with the top up, just use the top when taking a break. But, I'd prefer to get a bass boat and then put a Bimini top on it for breaks. Like I said, we get more for the money regarding to fishing with a bass boat. Yes, I have thought about going to AM to "browse."
  8. I'm new to this forum but saw this and had to answer. I have two CZs, the SP-01 and the P01, the latter I had "Cajunized." Love them.
  9. Thanks. My buddy used to have a 16 foot open bow boat and would fish SVR quite a bit. I went there with him one time and caught a 3.2# on my second cast using a Rapala minnow. He caught a 3.2# a bit later. His was fatter, my was longer. That is where we plan to do most of our fishing but really need to decide on a boat. Have been looking at powered kayaks as well for just myself as I live right near Lake Murray. He wants to get a 16' Bass Buggy so he can get out of the sun at times but told me they are more problematic when it comes to invasive mussels. I told him we can get a Tracker (either standard or deep V series) and put a Bimini cover on it and do it for less. Nothing wrong with the Bass Buggy and it would be more comfortable for all day fishing (nice lounge seat) but more costly for the same power. I'm thinking it would be a bit more difficult to maneuver as well. I'd prefer to keep the cost under $30K with $25K being ideal.
  10. I never fished much in my youth, thought it too slow. A buddy of mine is an avid fisherman and I've decided to get into it. He sold his ocean boat a couple of years ago, he liked to go out for tuna and the fuel costs were crazy. He hasn't been fishing much lately because his kids are grown with their own kids. But, I started getting an interest in it. Bass is the most popular lake fishing here, but will also fish for trout. He has an RV and we are planning a trip to Idaho next year, will even try some fly fishing. I am now much more patient than when I was young. Boat? Not yet. He wants me to buy a pontoon boat (like a Bass Buggy) but I'm thinking a Tracker would be more fun.
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