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Mr. Stogie

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Everything posted by Mr. Stogie

  1. Hey all. Only my second post here in the group. I’m looking for ideas of just about any kind to turn a 2002 20 ft Crest pontoon boat into the ultimate fishing platform without sacrificing too much of the pleasure aspect of the boat (Gotta make the wife happy too!) Just to give you an idea of what I’ve done so far. I added a 60” shaft, 70 lb thrust power drive TM to the front. This pontoon has two front fishing chairs but they were behind a fence. Fence eliminated! Now there is room for the trolling motor and fishing! Also added a Helix 7 by the front fishing chair and a Helix 5 by the drivers console. Took out the ridiculously small “live well” and will use that to stow the TM batteries. Built myself my own live well from the insert of a half barrel planter, complete with its own aerator and individual lithium battery. Even used a kids snow disk for the top, works perfectly! Also added to solar charges to maintain the batteries and a twelve rod aluminum upright rod holder. Got the 50 Merc tuned up and added a SS prop. So I think I’ve got everything covered. This baby is going to be on Sam Rayburn permanently as I just retired and live in Houston. So I’m almost there. Just looking to see if anyone can think of anything I might add to really take this little project of mine over the top. I thought about forward facing but that was a little out of the budget. So think big! Nothing is too crazy! What am I missing? Remember…THE ultimate fishing platform! Can’t wait to hear your ideas!
  2. Hey all! Originally from Chicago but grew up going to Spider Lake in Hayward, WI. When my parents retired and moved to their house on Spider, Hayward became "home". Unfortunately, they had to sell and move to Houston to be with my sister because their health was failing. I followed to Houston to help take care of them. That was 2012. I've been back to Hayward and my beloved Spider Lake only 2 times since 2012. I've fished two times down here in Houston on guided trips, once in the Inter-coastal waterway and another on Cedar Lake near Dallas. Slayed 'em both times. Trouble is I'm a Musky fisherman and here I am trying to learn how to saltwater fish and frankly, I'm not a fan. So I'm trading in my quest for the 50" Musky for the 12 lb Bass. 1) I'm too old (just turned 60) to fish Musky 10 to 14 hours a day like I used to, 2) you can't find Musky in Houston, TX and 3) I just retired and something has to change. And changing it is! I just bought a place on Sam Rayburn and now I'm looking for a new fishing vessel. I AM BACK, BABY! LET THE QUEST FOR THE 12 POUNDER BEGIN!
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