Actually i do have the seasir but the tolerances, max drag and casting is just not the same. With the centrifugal brakes on the Quantum, i can really maximize casting without backlash compared to the seasir. Also the seasir is also an ounce heavier which just make working lures not as comfortable. The Daiwas line cap is less than the Quantum, holding 25yards less of 30lb braid and its also an ounce heavier with a heavy spool. This limits it to heavy baits compared to the smoke. I have the 150 and i struggles with lighter lures compared to the smoke so i dont think the 200 would do much better. Also i get why some dont think heavy drag is important but when most of your fish is over 15lbs and hooked near mangroves and docks, having a heavy drag definitly prevents them from running into the snags. I guess you could thumb the spool but you cant really reel while thumbing can you.
Also the seasirs actual drag is 15lbs ,ive tested all of my reels with a scale and the ratings from American and Japanese brands are pretty accurate but the Chinese are not. Its still a good reel but just needs some quality control. The biggest issues i have had with these are that they auto engage at least several times per trip and this then ruins the pinion after. Before covid ,i had a couple of smoke hds but had to sell them for a need at the time. Those have alloy sideplates as well but still weigh under 7oz.