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August Hi-Zen

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Everything posted by August Hi-Zen

  1. The 13 fishing concept C2 claims to be noncorrosive but I’ve heard people say not to use them in saltwater. What do you think?
  2. I can use a saltwater reel in freshwater right, I can’t see why not?
  3. Hello, I am having trouble between two fishing reels, the 13 fishing concept TX2 and the Concept C2. Keep in mind that I am living in California and I want a reel to use in both saltwater and freshwater. I heard that both of these are corrosion safe as long as I take care of them. Price is not an isssue, but I only want one reel for both water types, not a freshwater and saltwater reel. I like to fish but I don’t need multiple reels. Which do yall think is better and why. Thanks!
  4. What about the difference between aluminum and graphite frame. Is that an important factor?
  5. Hello everyone, I am shopping for a new baitcaster and I was having trouble deciding between the Mach 2 and the fls. I’ve heard more good things on the Mach 2 than the fls but the fls is aluminum frame while Mach 2 is graphite frame, the fls is bigger, the Mach 2 had wind grips. There are many things on one that are better than the other and it’s causing me trouble. which do you guys think is bettter and why?
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