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Everything posted by walker2713

  1. Join Date: Jul 2024 Posts: 1 Likes: 0 Received 0 Likes on 0 Posts Tiller Extension I recently bought a 15 ft. Wellbilt Jon boat with a 25 horse e-etc motor. I’m 84 years old, and find it difficult to manage the tiller while sitting on the back seat. I’m going to put a folding chair on the middle seat area, and want to buy a tiller extension. Could someone please give me some advice on which one to get, etc.etc. Thanks, George
  2. I’m not sure about the depth…..good question, though….I’ll stop by and check that…it’s not all that far from the house. I’ve been getting up to speed about the “punch rig” and will try that. I tried a Texas rig but it was just too thick…..more weight and a stouter setup may work. George
  3. I was out this morning on a lake where they have a wooden pier/walkway over part of the water…for fishing as well as for just casual walking. Many years ago I caught my PB largemouth on this lake, but no longer have or use a boat. For about an hour I fished a “frog” style Strike King Popping Perch, which worked pretty well amongst all of the surface growth. I was able to move it around pretty well….but go no strikes or other signs of fish like. I’m wondering if the almost complete lack of sunlight and/or oxygen levels make this a likely un-productive area? Your thoughts? Thanks, George
  4. I’ve been fishing for almost all of my life…I grew up in Louisiana and remember fishing with my father, both my grandfathers and several uncles and cousins. As I grew up I continued to fish for bass and panfish, pike and walleye in Canada, White bass runs on the Wolf river in Wisconsin, Salmon, Trout and Perch in Lake MIchigan, trolling for big Walleyes in Lake Erie….you get the picture. In 1992 we found ourselves living Thibodaux LA and I bought a 19 foot fiberglass center console with a 150 hp Evenrude…and for the next eight years fished the coastal waters south of Lafourche and Terrebonne parishes for Speckled trout, Redfish and Flounder. It came to pass that in 2005 I was the pastor of a church near Canal and Harrison in New Orleans. I really had been too busy to fish, and all of my lifelong accumulation of gear and tackle was in the garage of our house when Katrina came. We’ve only been back a few times to recover a few items on the second floor….but have made our home here in Monroe LA. I’m trying hard to get back to fishing but am reluctant to get back involved with a boat at this point in my life. I understand the pros and cons, and am trying to learn to be a happy bank fisherman, and hope to make new friends with boats. 😎 I am looking forward to participating in the forum. Other important facts: married for 64 years come November, three daughters and nine grandchildren….a great grand on the way.
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