Let me start by saying that I realize I am late to the game...
But wow, where has mono been all my fishing life?
Like most, I fished a little bit when I was a kid with unmemorable gear and mostly a hook, worm, and bobber. I imagine at that time that my dad, or grandpa, or whoever was there with me didn't think to question the line, or the reel, or anything but the weather for that matter. It was all about the fun we were having. Fast forward to my older self (I was born in '87 for reference) wanting to get into fishing and later wanting to expose my kids to another activity they could enjoy outside - we're now in the age of information abundance, marketing patterns have been well established, and gear has (I imagine) come a long way. I've spent far longer than is necessary thinking about all the nuances of my setup, but more specifically, my line choice. I've tried various braids, numerous iterations of fluorocarbon, but the lone holdout for me had been mono...
Which leads me to say, I love monofilament! (And d**n could I have saved a lot of money over the years.) Over the winter (I fish through the winter) I switched all of my casting rigs to Sunline Supernatural and I will never go back.
In my search for the "best line" it was rare, almost nonexistent, for anyone to mention mono. It's like the older child that was great as a kid, grew up, succeeded, continues to live a happy and fulfilling life, but doesn't come with the drama of the younger ones, and thus, get's less attention. Is it the price? Maybe. I think a lot of fishing equipment is sold simply because of the perception that more cost = more better, but maybe that's not it. My experience with it has been nothing but stellar. It casts easier than braid, pulls them in like no other, costs less. Itās the best.
How many of you have had great experiences with mono, or use it exclusively?
Long live mono!