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Everything posted by Cr-Actinic

  1. Great info and many thx! The Zillion was my first reel of choice starting into baitcaster as it seems it's the best bang for the $ at that price point and for a noob like me. Jumping head first with a Steez, ya...I'm spoiled on the smoothness and can be boring as it's just pretty much dead silent and no vibration/gear teeth engagement retrieving and just the drag clicks on the hookset and first run before tightening down the drag a bit to reel in a branch 🀣
  2. Awesome ..thx bigbix, ABU and Bulldog! Was going to ask about the double raced(?) bearings later as I didn't want the opening Q to be a dissertation of my rabbithole map but here we are 😝 Since they are OoS, I can muck around looking for bearing mfgs that make them. With std bearings, would the single raced ABEC5 bearings be the point of diminishing returns vs ABEC7? Since I would make this reel for lighter weight range to upper limits of BFS should I wish to venture there fishing for trout...the double raced sure is appealing and would definitely jump on them to try but would the upgraded "std conformation" bearings get me there? Many thx again everyone!
  3. I have a lonely JDM Steez A2 and was going to pull the trigger on the JDM '21 Zillion SV TW to pair with it for the lighter stuff. Just noticed the asymmetric thumb bar and it doesn't quite play nice with my OCD... predominantly RH cast/thumb, RH reel 🀣 I read the Alphas are decently smooth but if I want Zillion smoothness in the Alphas, what bearing swops in the reel and bearinged handles will get me to achieve or get damned close to that buttery smoothness? I could buy the Steez SV TW but I hear that the performance to $ isn't there and if it's just upgrading bearings, add bearinged handles, changing aluminum to brass, etc to get a Zillion feel out of an Alphas, I'm totally up for the challenge. Just note that I have chosen the Daiwa route for my first foray into baitcasters as I just didn't want to have to factor in the centrifugal tabs for the breaking. After tuning an Alpha, for sure the next reel after that will be a Shimano 😝
  4. Thx for the welcome everyone 😁 I've fallen down many rabbit holes from vintage flex nib fountain pens, straight razors, wet shaving, Japanese whetstones (JNats), reef and planted aquariums... Well...I'm new to baitcasters and saved for a USDM Zillion and a Megabass Triza Dragoon that should cover many techniques as I will be travelling alot for work this year to the next. Discovered JDM stuff and got a JDM Steez A2 $20 cheaper than a USDM Zillion. I'm quite mechanically inclined so I don't need the reel warranty. Just need 2-3 more rods and reels for home...just have to tell "The Boss" something to not rouse suspicion but there are worse things to spend $ on 😜. I know I'll be rolling in my grave when my stuff gets sold off/given away..."Oh, he said he paid $20" 😬 Looking forward to the wealth of knowledge from all of you and laughs from my mistakes going forth.
  5. Heya! A Canadian that's new to all of this stuff...I'm like a kid in a candy store! Grew up fishing with my dad using his spinning and fly gear. I don't remember the brands other than Fenwick rods and Shimano reels 🀷🏽 Never fished again leaving for uni until 4yrs ago when Gramps got the kids and sons in law basic fishing gear as it's the general evolution of doing things at the family cottage as the little ones grow. Fast forward to now and I'm building my rod reel set ready for fall bass, accidental pike and losing alot of lures 🀣 Thanks for reading πŸ€ͺ
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