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Everything posted by TheRodJerker

  1. I was having the same problem until a few months ago. I bought these "gopro" lights for my camera, they work AMAZING for taking night shots. The camera on my phone sucks, so I use my off-brand 4k gopro and this waterproof light to take night shots. For $150-ish bucks, I got a decent camera set-up and it's all 100% waterproof. Hope this helps!
  2. I absolutely admire your confidence. Wish mine was that high! Maybe one day I can be a Bassmaster Elite/Classic winner but first I need a few million dollars to start my journey. Good luck to you brotha'.
  3. There's quite a few lure/bait makers in my area, so I try to buy from them first. I get all my jigs from a friend here and he makes some of the best jigs ever(and customs ones if you need it), football, swim, etc you name it. Also buy from local stores before I go to some corporate store. Support your local businesses as much you can, they are a dying breed and deserve your money more than the corporations.
  4. Good question and I haven't really ever thought about that. I guess public ponds could be included. I've been raising these two ponds for 25 years now and hand-fed them every day. To me, that's like shooting a 12 point buck at a deer farm then claim it's from a real hunt. Just isn't fair(to me that is). I just assumed everyone thought like that.
  5. Because I dont count the ones from my ponds as my PB. I just dont think its fair.
  6. Lews American Hero Gen2 is a GREAT COMBO. Lews makes the BEST budget reels by far! I have 2 American Heros Gen2 that I use for practicing. I had absolutely zero issues with them.
  7. The two lakes near me are 150 and 320 acres, both have pretty decent sized bass(they say over 55% are over 15"). The creek does have fish, mostly carp, black bass, walleye, and some brown trout. One of our ponds have a deck and a highdive. The other one is my "personal pond" that I don't let anyone near. Both have bluegill and bigmouth bass. Keeps saying the image is too large. Had to upload it to imgbb. Here is my private pond. Roughly half the fish in this pond are well over 15". I pulled out an 8.4 pounder just a couple of weeks ago and that was the second cast of that day.
  8. Yes sir, I will post them when I get home. I'm out buying groceries and looking at new air conditioner for my workshop right now. I also have a creek on my property plus 1 lake 200 yards away and another lake half mile away.
  9. All the lakes in my are are HEAVILY PRESSURED right now. Everyone here thinks this is the best time of the year to fish and it's not, so they are all pressuring the lakes and not even catching anything. I'm staying away from lakes for a while until it cools off and just fishing some crowded ponds that needs harvested. We have 2 ponds and my neighbors pond all are heavily crowded, guess I'll be filling up my deep freezer with some fillets!
  10. Got a pack of the white jerk minnows as a gift(mystery box thingy) and I LOVE IT. Going to stock up on different colors. My fav soft jerkbait by far.
  11. Just wanna say your smile in this picture is EXTREMELY WHOLESOME. Cannot help but smile back. Nice catch, good sir!
  12. Found out there's been two muskrats in my pond and had to trap them out. I'm sure that's what's scaring the fish off a bit. And a great blue heron been sitting on this bluegill bed every morning for a few weeks now, my dogs aren't awake early enough to chase it off lol. Got to get me a deterent to keep the big birds and muskrats away. Been SLOWLY getting the dinks out by using a weight/length chart I got. Thank you all for the advice. Brought my confidence back up and now I'm committed to restoring this gorgeous pond. Cheers.
  13. I have tons of Ozark Trail lures, the 3/8th oz bluegill rattling crankbait is my favorite, but their hollowbody frogs(black one is the best) are GREAT. The 1/4oz frog popper is pretty good also. I need to start taking pics with labels so I remember which lure is which, but I got a few from Ozark Trail that's pretty good. Some of them are just as good as higher priced ones. You'd be surprised how many are made exactly the same with the exact same materials as the "superior lures". I'm an disabled veteran, don't have much money but I do got a nice pond and two lakes next to my property. I don't have a fish combo worth over $150, but I do have a few more expensive lures but they are just for collections and gifted to me. Like my antique fred arbogast lures from his basement lure making days and a few Heddons. I'm all about being on a budget, that applies to most of my hobbies(making music/beats, painting/drawing, restoring old stuff, etc).
  14. Former Airborne here. 4th generation combat veteran. There's 5 Purple Hearts between my Grandfather, Father, and myself. MLRS/HIMARS Gunner 2006-2016.
  15. Was inherited 2 acre bigmouth bass and bluegill pond from my Grandfather, he is 92 years old and neglected it for about 10 years now. He fed them pellets off and on, that's about it. All the bass but one were under 1 pound and under 12 inches. It's about 25ft deep in the middle and very muddy water. So I was suggested to start culling the small bass from my pond, and maybe some bluegill since it's so overcrowded. My issue is, what lures should I use? Everything I got is for bigger fish. Needing recommendations on what I should use to start culling my bass pond of smaller bass. They don't seem to react to anything topwater. Thanks, Rod Jerker. Wanted to say that I mean, ALL THE BASS THAT I HAVE CAUGHT. Which I have caught well over 30-40 from the pond in the last 3 months or so. Bluegill are doing great(size wise), bass are not.
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