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  1. Thanks, I'll take a look. What has me confused is that the curado k has a carbon drag and I've heard some of the grease out there can ruin it if it's not made for carbon drags.
  2. It's time to service my curado 200k but can't seem to find what grease and oil shinano recommends. I've tried looking everywhere online but no luck. Does anyone happen to know what grease and oil shimano recommends since they have a couple of options?
  3. Thanks, I dont want to cast anything lower than 1/16 but with my current setup I just can't get the lure very far. I am using a medium heavy rod.
  4. Thanks for the info. I'll definitely take a look and see. I think my first step should probably be to change my rod since I currently have a medium heavy rod. Thanks
  5. I would assume the problem is my medium heavy rod then since I have a shimano curado 200k
  6. I was wondering what are some good baitcaster for finesse lures? Looking for something that can handle very light lures and still cast without a problem.
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