I have been looking at lures that are about 4-5" long and float, similar to the the rapalla original floating minnow but the heaviest I have been able to find are only 1/2 oz max.
I like the rapalla original floating minnow but cannot cast it as far as I'd like, even with V2 slick PP 10lb braid. I'd need to go heavier, but then the lure size starts to get much longer than I need and/or dives too deep. Worse yet most heavier lures are sinking and don't float. I fish for walleye near a lot of rock piles and dead line so I can't exceed 4' depth without risking a snag. With a floater I can keep it above the danger zone but also get far enough out where the fish are.
Anybody know of any lures that meet this criteria?