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Everything posted by baer108

  1. I finally brought my little jon boat up to school on Sunday and had the chance to get out on the Susquehanna River in Williamsport, PA for a while today after class. I have no pictures and didn't measure or weigh any fish, but it wasn't a bad day for just milling around the river. I caught 5 pretty good smallies. 4 of them were probably somewhere between 13"-15" caught on a wacky rigged senko. After I got tired of losing senkos I tied on a green pumpkin tube and caught 1 more nice one. This was the better fish of the day. I'd say between 16"-18" and it was a really dark fish. I wish I could have had my camera for it, I'd never seen a smallie this dark before. Anyways next time hopefully I'll care enough to take a camera. Good luck fishin' -Baer
  2. Yeah, i'm going to have to bring the jon boat back up to school after spring break. The river is pretty high right now from all of the rain, but it should be back down after break.
  3. I've been seeing fish like that in my sleep for a few months now.
  4. I'm drooling on myself over the stories of bass caught. Things are starting to look up here in northern PA, the snow and ice are melting. But it's raining like crazy and the river is probably gonna go way up so the boat may have to stay in for a few more weeks.
  5. I'll agree with most on here, I use the baitcasters for my heavier baits and heavier line applications. I throw all of my finesse fishing techniques from the spinning rod. Downside to baitcasters is the occasional backlash. Downside to spinning reels is the line twisting up on you. I hate going to set the hook not realizing there is a twist loop in the line and all it does is pull the loop out and misses the fish. Happens too often to me when im not paying close enough attention.
  6. That's a dandy you caught there. I wouldnt mind seeing one of those on the end of my line.
  7. Nice fish! I'll second that RW
  8. I've never tried them on with a T-rig. Something i might have to keep in mind for this weekend after the duck hunt. I usually just fish them with the jighead inside the tube, and I get hung up a good bit on rocks and stumps and everything else imaginable at the bottom of the river.
  9. Haha, it was last wednesday between my 12:30-2 networking class and my 6:30-9:30 accounting class. 3 hrs of accounting! That fish made me contemplate skipping it but instead I went and made it through about half awake. Of course not thinking about accounting too much. Mainly about that fish. My blood was still pumping pretty good. Also its pretty sweet having a boat ramp to a nice section of the susquehanna that's navigable by boat just 3 or 4 minutes down the road. It takes us longer to get all our gear ready and boat hooked up than it does to get down to the water. I just need to figure out what's goin on with the little 9.9 motor. It throws the top plug about every other time out on the water. It makes things interesting trying to change out the plug while on the river, good thing they only cost a buck and some change. Also frustrating because the roommate gets a few extra casts while i fumble around with the stupid spark plugs.
  10. 4" green pumpkin wacky rigged senko. I need to bribe my girlfriend into going to bass pro shops and picking me up a few bags before she comes to visit on saturday. Mine are torn to pieces.
  11. Oh yeah, all fish were caught and released to grow and be caught again and hopefully released again... And most of the fish we were catching were fairly small ones, we don't really carry a measuring tape or scale but I'd say most were between 8"-13" with the exception of a few smaller and a few larger. I'm not sure of the length or weight of the one pictured above, but it was definitely the biggest smallmouth I have ever caught.
  12. My roommate and I went out fishing last week a few times between classes on the susquehanna. The weather is too nice to sit inside on our cans. We caught a bunch of fish on rock piles and drop offs. Here is the biggest one of the week.
  13. I went out this afternoon wading a portion of the susquehanna with my girlfriend and best friend from home. She had never been fishing before let alone caught a fish. I was reluctant to do this but on the way there i stopped at bass pro at the live bait vending machine and picked up a package of hellgramites to be sure that she would catch a fish. We waded out to the spot and she caught the first fish, not a smallie but a catfish, which she was pretty excited to catch something. She ended up reeling in a good sized smallie, and she broke off what i think was a pretty darn good pig. My buddy caught some on a pumpkin chigger craw, and i got some awesome jumpin head shakin smallie action on a 4'' wacky rigged watermelon black flake senko... I'm too afraid to take a camera out there because wading around on the rocks are very slippery, and I am freakin clumsy as is. But needless to say the memories will last longer than any photo would anyway. Another great day of fishing with friends. good fishing to all
  14. I've been doing well in creeks for smallies with the berkely chigger craw in greener or browner colors. Also been killin' them on the river with them too. I have just been texas rigging them. Landed a 4 pounder over the weekend.
  15. Haha yep that OMC two hose tank would be the one that I need. The motor is very old, but in very good condition. Thanks for the info. I'll have to pick up one off of ebay or something. thanks
  16. I just bought an old 10 hp Johnson motor off of some guy. The outside of the casing has some paint scratches and the stickers are aged, but I removed the casing and the inside looked pretty darn clean and rust free. There was no rust and all the hoses and spark plugs looked new and not dry rotted. But anyways, I have never owned a motor and this one did not include the gas tank and hoses for the gas and air. I was wandering if anyone on here could lead me in the right direction as to what to purchase. And how do you rig up the hoses from the tank to the motor, I can see the recepticles on the motor and can clearly read which one is for the gas and which is for the air. Any websites with info or just info from your experience would be great. thanks, baer108
  17. That's pretty sad that he would try to cheat other competitors out of their hard earned money. He is where he belongs, maybe sitting on cement for a few years will make him think twice about cheating again.
  18. That fish has me drooling on my keyboard.
  19. Hey man, nothin wrong with taking the right fish to the dinner table every now and again. Some may say it's wrong, but hey it's food. To live we must eat. And fish just happen to taste darn good..... You can buy fish at the store every once in a while or you can haul one in off the lake and throw it on the grill or stove. I'm cheap so you know where my vote goes.
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