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  • About Me
    A fairly new angler, mostly fishing for bass and panfish with occasional side excursions into trout. Hoping to learn lots and have fun!

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  1. How have yours held up? I like mine and they're awesome for wood and stuff, but it's mildly annoying how easily the heads chip.
  2. Omnia is running their get Pro for "free" sale again albeit a little more sneakily. Use code BTLPRO or I believe SETHPRO should also work. 50 dollar giftcard when you buy pro for a year.
  3. Hi y'all, I'm looking at getting a travel Kaden 745c, but the rod should perform very similarly to a normal 745c. I'm looking at it mostly being a pitching/flipping stick as well as pulling frog duty for me. Anyone have any experience with this rod for those uses?
  4. So I've recently moved to the Midwest, and the highs are in the 30s, occasionally 40s, during the day now. I unfortunately only have a 7' 1" heavy fast action rod meant for bottom contact and a reel with fluro to go with it. What sorts of things would y'all recommend I throw for any kind of chance? I'm thinking a glacial pace C-rig, jig with chunk trailer, and maybe a really slow free rig.
  5. 24' Steez Thank guys I'll take a look at DVT. The website is a little bit on the older side, but I assume they are able to work on more modern reels. I have a 24' steez so that is the only thing I am concerned about.
  6. Hi all, Recently bought a Steez from Japan, and put it to work tussling some fish out of grass. I also accidentally hit the clutch at the end of a cast while the spool was still running and it made a not great sound. Combining all of these factors its making some not normal noises while reeling and casting now, and I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for shops to take it to in Indiana (preferably the Indianapolis region)
  7. Hi all, I just now got finished up sealing a rod with U40, but as usual, I was a bit dumband didn't think about sealing the ends of the handle off with some tape and now I have runs on the blank and reel seat. What's the best way to take it off? It probably doesn't affect function at all, it's just a bit of an eye sore of my stupidity.
  8. I can’t remember exactly but the scuttlebutt is that Ark either paid for Haribo to do the R&D or did it themselves, and somewhere along the line Haribo was contracted to manufacture the Gravity BFS, Allegedly Haribo then “stole” the design which they sell as the Arise. They are probably allowed sell it in places that aren’t the US, and without knowing the exact terms of their contract it’s a little hard to point fingers are any party but that’s what I’ve heard at least.
  9. Going to slightly defend JLS here. There are two things you should know before you buy from them. One, they do charge money for shipping usually 12-15ish dollars charge on top of your total depending on which kind you get. It’s always been priority shipping for me and usually arrives within 2-3 days from Tokyo. Two, they charge in Yen, the conversions they show you are just a courtesy to you for your convenience, but at the end of the day they charge in Yen and look at the price they charge you in Yen. Paypal has a different conversion rate than your bank, and they both charge an additional 1-5% fee of the amount you pay in USD, nobody does this for free lol. Regardless, they have always been super responsive when I’ve contacted them and always answered my questions politely and promptly (better than a lot of US retailers I might say) They’re super great at arranging warranty services and shipping back to Japan if you would need it as well. And the free premium lure they give on reel orders helps offset it a little bit (usually something 15-20 dollars at least)
  10. So I recently purchased a new rod. A two piece JDM Jackall Revoltage C71H-ST. It’s a solid tip heavy rod meant to be basically an all purpose bottom contact rod. Being a two piece I mean to carry it around with me when I travel as well as just being easier to carry (I drive a dinky Civic). I was just going to steal my 24 Tatula off my expride to use, but the bait monkey has gotten to me and convinced me that I must get a new reel to go with this rod. I’m looking at either the 24 SLX 70 or the 21 Zillion SV TW, both JDM and both in a 8 speed ratio. The SLX is cheaper and I am interested in trying out a Shimano bait caster given I have none right now, and then swapping it out for the next iteration of Zillion. However, the bait monkey is swaying me to the current gen Zillion since I’m already used to Daiwa given I have a Tatula already. Also considering either 14 or 16 lbs fluro for weightless senkos, Texas rigs, jigs, and the occasional C-rig. Any input is greatly appreciated.
  11. It probably isn’t anything revolutionary, I was mostly just curious as to what it was exactly. I’ve been using Google translate and iPhone auto translation so it could also just be a translation error. It generally involves jigs, Texas rigs, free rigs, “leaderless down shot” (jika/tokyo rigs, or something along those lines. But maybe finally I’ll uncover what those pistol grip rods are for
  12. I’ve been reading up on some JDM tackle and techniques and one thing I’ve been coming a lot across is “shooting” of lures and “cover shooting”. What exactly is this? Is it pitching to cover? Or simply just precise casts into cover?
  13. It’s not meant as a general purpose reel. It’s a slightly more finessey oriented reel without dropping down to the 70 size and sacrificing that line capacity. It fills the 32 mm spool gap in the steez lineup (Air; 28mm, CT; 30mm, AII/Limited; 34 mm) The Hookup Tackle has a video that does a good job of explaining its intended role in the Steez line up if you’d like to know more.
  14. Hi all, I got a Tatula 100 a couple months ago and had some FC Sniper on it that I loved and enjoyed. It casted like a dream even if it was a handful to manage sometimes. I recently respooled with some 12 pound Daiwa J Fluro Samurai and had some loose coils no matter how I casted. When I cast it looks fine, and no noticeable backlashy symptoms. I have my brakes on 10, but even when I went up to 12/14 it would still happen. Throwing a 5" Senko along with a 1/8 oz tungsten bullet weight on it. I thought it may have been the spool tension, since I had messed with it a little when I first got the reel unknowingly, but I've since reset it back to roughly where Daiwa recommends it for the whole zero tension thingamajig and I still get some loose coils. I was wondering why this is and looking for a solution if anyone has anything to recommend, maybe I'm not thumbing the reel enough, but previously with sniper at around brake setting 6 and above, I never had this issue and would only need to thumb it at the very end to stop it. Appreciate any help y'all can give and hope y'all have a great Father's Day!
  15. Yeah the one's I've held haven't impressed me a super lot, but I've heard a lot of good things about them. Apparently it's a slightly better blank too from what I can gather, plus cork handle and nice warranty. But the SLX just feels more refined from my playing around with it in the store. It feels like a lot more expensive of a rod.
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