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Everything posted by greentrout

  1. Ditto. Just picked up a clearance Shimano Solstace2500FI spinning reel for 24.99 normally goes for 40.00. For the money, performs well and is smooth as silk.
  2. Man and his thoughts fishing away in the early morning. Location: Flint Creek Wiggins, Mississippi Source: National Geographic
  3. Use the old Bottom Line fish finder on my small boat that goes back to the 90's. Still going strong and serves its purpose well.
  4. Caught a lot on the old Rebel minnow.
  5. Each to his own. It's not beneath me to use a spincast to get this done. The bass don't care. Watched Kevin VanDam today win a tournament with nothing but a spinning rod and reel in his hands. Won a lot of money.
  6. The old Mitchell 300 is responsible for a lot of LMB being caught. My dad gave me one and I used what I had at the time and thoroughly enjoyed it. Caught a few, too.
  7. Paul B. Johnson State Park - features a 300 acre lake located at Hattiesburg, MS
  8. I think it can be said Hank Parker did, too.
  9. Anytime you're around wood, grass and cover in shallow water throw the SB when you're working the water looking for fast strikes. When there is a wind throw it into the wind and pick it up when an imminent front is coming in. There is not a better bait for aggressive bass and zipping one by hitting the bass's lateral line with a reactionary strike. Learn the blades, weights and colors. Means a lot. Good fishing.
  10. Many have already stated Trick Worm. I agree. But, the spinnerbait can put fish in the boat faster than anything I've ever fished with when conditions are right.
  11. Live in a coastal area where salt water fishing is king and we do have a local who serves those needs with various niches. He DOES take care of the fresh water guys like me with a section of plastics, spinner baits and other hard baits and has a reasonable price to repair and clean reels and repair rods with a hired on site man who does a good job. The other locals who were here have long been wiped out by Wal-Mart, Academy and Dicks. They will see their ending in time, too. It's the way of things.
  12. Recently fished Texas and Mississippi both very good. Right now Mississippi. Here's my take: Can fish small waters private and public in remote places with very little pressure from other fishermen during the week. Can be on a 60 acre lake with no one else there. Can be on a 300 acre lake and the same. Bass are healthy and feisty. I'm a senior fisherman and now fish only small waters in a small boat with total enjoyment of God's creation and the pursuit of the LMB. Mississippi is one of the best kept secrets in the country. I'm a lucky man.
  13. <The new record bass was certified, photographed and released back into the same pond again which is public. Kudos to the angler.The beast took a white spinnerbait. > Stout, in Northern public waters and released, too. Congrats to that young man and his catch. He should be proud.
  14. Gentleman George Cochran in shallow water. Git er done. Or Guido Hibdon big bass on light line and small plastics with patience and timing.
  15. BPS is headed the way of Cabela's. Too many stores have been built cannibalizing its other business. Too big and lost emphasis on the customer the fisherman. 20 years ago you got a catalog called them on the phone and had the merchandise shipped to you with good deals and fishing was their only business. Then came the stand alone brick and mortar good at first but now has reached a point of diminishing returns. Today they are into clothes, cooking items and other sundry items. Fishing is secondary. Like Cabela's business will suffer and changes will be made -- buyout or strategic repositioning of the company. Wait and see.
  16. Green Pumpkin, Watermelon Red and June Bug. Bite is tough that's what I use. If you worm fish, you do, Culprit and the Power Worm still slay bass in June Bug, Black and Red Shad. Good fishing.
  17. On your 8lb. test no more than 10lb. test on mono Texas-rigged with no weight or 1/16, 1/8 or 1/4 on 1/0 or 2/0 hooks. Hold on.
  18. Very good. Have a few (Supreme) with no complaints but have been in the 99.99 price point and got 'em on sale for less. The ones I use have a centrifugal brake system. I'm ok with that. Some folks are not and like the magnetic set up. Picked up the Supreme XT made for Cabela's by Pflueger only for Cabela's that went for 150.00 and I got it for 49.99. One of the best I ever used.
  19. You know I willing tell you I don't have all the facts as I usually do so instead I'll comment on KVD not making the Classic using my gut. KVD is a hyper kind of guy who likes to sling spinnerbiats in cover and other scenarios like that in shallow water. He does not like a slow presentation or something without cover. Most tournaments this year, I think, were on bodies of water devoid of cover like huge lakes that favor baits like swim baits needing thorough knowledge of structure. Not his element. Notice more tournaments up North than usual with again a lake kind of proposition. A very good basser I know told me guys like KVD don't do well with modern electronics and fish finders. He was serious. Well, KVD perhaps is also on the way to becoming an Old School Basser. Good fishing. The Old School Basser
  20. The young men I see who truly love to bass fish on my waters are grinders. They spend a lot of time on the water. They learn there is no silver bullet to catch bass at will. They have blank zero days but come back and at 'em again. Then from time and experience it clicks and they begin to catch 'em more regularly and can rightfully call themselves LMB fishermen. The Old School Basser...
  21. Cabela's has its Pro Guide rods on sale down from 6o to 47 dollars. Good deal, great deal, for the buck. Bass Pro and other retailers have sales, too. I own several of the Pro Guides and for the dollar they are terrific rods. I'm a mono man and still catching bass. Old School Basser...
  22. You could take the 500 dollars and invest in 5 to 8 perfectly good rods for all possible applications you might need in your fishing endeavors. It's your money and time on the water. Good fishing to you. The Old School Basser...
  23. You live in a city with creeks and bayous and when there is heavy rain with swollen creeks and bayous, not to mention subdivisions with stocked lakes and ponds, things get all shook up. The Old School Basser...
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