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Everything posted by jrb772

  1. I must admit, I have read this post a few times and thought about replying and just hadn't done so. Well, here goes nothing and I hope someone can relate. I refuse to fish in tournaments because I enjoy trying to decipher the conditions and enjoy the pursuit. Some of the darkest times in my life where I didn't know how to cope with whatever was going on, I went fishing, I spent time resetting and changing the pace in which I moved forward. I do the same thing with my son, when he has a hard week or I have to explain something that isn't good or deliver bad news it's always when we are fishing. This is therapy to me and has been my happy place all of my life. I grew up living between the stickmarsh and garcias, two of the best places to fish in my area. To sum this up, fishing has been a gift to me, just like it was to my dad and his before him. I am probably not able to see it in any other way.
  2. I know I am a day late on this one, but I hope everyone's Thanksgiving was awesome and safe.
  3. Good afternoon everyone, I was in Walmart with the wife today and I walked over to sporting goods and found all of the 6th sense hooks on clearance. They were $2.00 for offset worm hooks and $2.50 for flipping hooks. They had 3/0 - 5/0 sizes. I am in florida. I wanted to pass this along in case anyone happened to be in their local Walmart they may score like I did, I took half of the stock and got 60 packs of hooks, abit of variety of each.
  4. As many have already stated, I struggle some days but I always take some lesson from it. I appreciate people being honest, not everyday is great. I would rather get go through those tough days on the water than be at work wondering if they are biting....
  5. From one new member to another, welcome aboard.
  6. Thank you all for the warm welcome. I hope to bring value to the group. I have enjoyed reading the forum for a few years and have been able to try new techniques and expand my knowledge base with some of the information I have learned here.
  7. Good afternoon everyone, my name is Josh. I am a recreational fisherman that has grown up fishing in the stickmarsh in florida. I have been reading this forum for a few years now. I have enjoyed the content over the past few years and wanted to become a member. Thanks for having me.
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