The Ulterra works but I wouldn’t say well. The “auto” stow and deploy is the best feature but not the most reliable. I’ve had to fix mine multiple times on the water due to mfg errors. Some times it just needs a reset sometimes I have to disassemble to address the magnet switch that controls the function, wiring issues, belt issues etc. Spot lock does stay within 5 ft when spot lock works it randomly kicks out at times. I haven’t figured out why but I believe it drops gps signal then kicks off. The problem is it doesn’t give any spot lock drop notification so you can be holding a tight spot around things you don’t want to hit and just drift off without warning. The ability to hold depth/contour lines if linked to a graph is very nice but is only as good as the mapping itself.The Ulterra is also a real pain to hook up a mega live transducer for forward facing sonar due to how the stow deployment design works so if you have plans for that I’d avoid the Ulterra. It’s possible to make work but isn’t easy. Overall my next boat will be rigged with Garmin electronics and troller. Hummingbird from my experience and from what I’ve seen of other anglers in a few clubs I fish just aren’t where it’s at. If I did stay with HB it would be an ultrex. They are much more durable/reliable. I had one on my bow fishing boat and it went through way more abuse than this ulterra with 0 issues. I also know many others who have had a better experience with them.