Lol just noticed this thread is a year old...ha.
Anyway in my case (for @10000LakesFishing since I'm guessing the original author may have figured out a rod by now) it' a Lew's TP1-black. I don't feel like I need anything fancy for this setup and although it's probably my least expensive rod I like it a lot for what I use it for (frogs and light flipping / pitching).
That said, I feel like it would take a lot of effort to actually snap that rod, but I agree it's not ideal for a magdraft freestyle with a texas rigged beast hook. In that case I actually use a sierra 766 flip. Thing is I wouldn't prefer to use this same rod for the treble hooked version (or any treble hook swimbait), but I like it for single hook swimbaits like this where it takes some force to get a good hook up.
It seems like some others default to fast / mod fast swimbait rod regardless of what the swimbait they are throwing actually looks like, but IMHO single hooked lures (and especially ones where you are going through a considerable amount of plastic) are going to be a different experience than something like a chad shad with 2 trebles under it where you just sort of lean into them and then want a more moderate action to keep them from shaking off the treble hook(s).
I also got that sierra 766 flip on midway for $104 on clearance so for that price I figured it was worth trying out and ended up keeping it and really liking it for this type of thing (and punching heavier stuff). I also am noticing that with larger swimbaits I tend to like single hooked lures like the shadtron over lures with treble hooks since I'm usually around some amount of grass.