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Creek Pirate

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    North Alabama
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    Creek and small river smallmouth fishing.

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  1. Saban's gone so green pig wins there too.🤣
  2. My oldest daughters boyfriend has wanted to catch a smallmouth.He never has.Hes rarely off work but yesterday he was available.I informed him the second day after a cold front was tough especially when a hillbilly sore mouthed them the day before.Long story short.Limited experience in a kayak.No experience paddling upstream.No experience bass fishing.But the kid has grit and yesterday grit was enough to get him his first smallmouth on 3 inch keitech.
  3. Green Pig has got me beat.I didn't believe bass lived deeper than 10 ft.Last week he caught one in 44 ft. That's ocean fishing in my book lol. I tip my hat to anglers who can fish deep.Honestly I would rather take a treble hook to the eye as fish that deep.🤣
  4. After reading Mr Dwight's recent post in the smallie section I decided to spend a day with jerkbaits.Yesterday picked up a few supplies. I knew today would be blue sky and north wind so I wanted to start early. My second cast I caught a 3.0.My third cast I caught a 4.58.My fourth cast I caught a 3.68. My fifth cast 2.0.Sixth cast 2.1. I caught and weighed a 15 lb sack between 629-647.I never done that in that small of time on any water lol.I paddled in some backwaters to rest and regain my composure and stop shaking. Paddled up to my next spot caught a few 2s then a 3.30. Paddled up a little further and got a 3.32. Best 5 were 17.88 Thank you Mr Dwight for helping me have a good day with prespawn smallies.
  5. Hiked through the woods today to check a creek too small to kayak.During the spawn some smallmouth will leave the main lake and go up tiny creeks.I assumed I was too early but I figured it was better to be early than late.Lost a decent one on a jerkbait.I could smell skunk all over me.Tied on a half oz. jig and managed 1.It was the only one I landed but I was happy to see fish migrating to spawning grounds.Hopefully the big ones will show up soon.Fingers crossed. 3.02lbs
  6. Lost a decent smallmouth today on a Lucky craft pointer 65.She was 500 yards below a spawning ground.
  7. As a kid my grandfather took me to gravel pits which produced huge bass.By my teenage years me and my father was on guntersville lake all the time.When the Great Y2K Crisis started I was fishing tournaments.A blowed outboard and a marriage changed my plans.I still fished a few tournaments with a close friend but my desire was gone.I continued creek fishing as I had done since childhood. Creek smallmouth became my obsession.Trying to pattern their migration. Right now I have camping gear by my front door.Just waiting to spend a few days with them.My driving factor now days is I simply want to know what's around the next creekbend. Sometimes a change of scenery can reignite your passion.
  8. Went back to the creek.Caught my biggest so far of 2024.Not a big one compared to the bucketmouths posted here but I was happy even though I don't look it lol. 4.62 lbs
  9. Creek was up a foot when I arrived at daylight.It was tough paddling upstream.They only wanted a crankbait today.Managed 8.Biggest was 3.6 lbs
  10. I have caught alot of fish directly related to this thread.I may be a new member but I have read this thread for a few years and there has been several times I've been fishing and remembered someone's post.Yesterday I was fishing in the pouring rain.I throwed a spinnerbait across a winter hole in my creek.Not a bite.I sat thinking what to do next.I remembered Pat Browns recent post about catching on a buzzbait.I throwed my spinnerbait as far as I could and burned the indiana blade to the surface making it thump.I seen a golden flash through the rain in the clear water.I was hooked up.If he hadn't made that post I don't know if I would have this fish.Turned out to be the biggest of the day. 3.1 lbs
  11. I haven't had a good day fishing since Christmas.I go to my winter hole twice a week and catch a dozen or so that weighs 2 and a half pounds.Im assuming these are the males? The bigger fish are there but I have struggled to catch them since Christmas.Yesterday morning I stopped by the local bait store on my way fishing and stocked up on ned hooks.Picked up a pack of ned bombers.They were the trick yesterday. I'm generally not a fan of ned rigs as they catch too many dinks but yesterday the biggens and little ens both wanted it.I lost several hooks tossing this rig in trees and rocks.it was worth it.Most were caught vertically jigging the ned under my kayak.I caught around 30 or more.Finally caught some decent size. 4.00 4.04 Biggest fish of the day I will be going back today for some more fun.
  12. It's been two weeks since I chased smallmouth due to the snow and cold temps.It was 50 degrees and raining at daylight this morning.Perfect weather.First fish of the day was on a dinger.The rest came on jig.My scales quit working today but nothing was over 3lb.Landed a dozen.Just glad to be out playing in the rain.
  13. "Up a Creek without a paddle" Explanation: Paddling upstream in a creek.Water rising.4lb smallmouth spinning you out of control in a kayak.You feel the Devil bite your butt. "Chase the herd not the cow" Explanation:When pursuing a nomadic critter like creek smallmouth you should pattern the school not the individual. "Jack of all trades,Master of none" I would rather be a Master at working 3 baits than mediocre at 10. I'm not good enough to be a Master at 10 baits lol.
  14. I kayak upstream in creeks a few times a week.This keeps my core strong and I have less back pain.Catch a few fish along the way. My aerobic excercises come from running from poisonous snakes while wading. I honestly lost 60 pounds on this work out regiment and have kept it off for 15 years.If any of yall would like to try my methods I would be happy to send you a box full of cotton mouths so you can get in shape too.
  15. After Christmas I have struggled to keep up with the winter school I usually follow.Yesterday I paddled a few extra miles upstream until I relocated them.Caught half dozen.I went back today to pick the place apart.Managed 2 smallmouth 1 spot 1 largemouth.My official last fish of the year was caught on a dinger 2.6 lbs.Not the best day but could have been worse.
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