It looks like I’m finally going to go fishing this coming Thursday.
Ive fished this lake since my early 20s.
My best fishing buddy Jeff and me have fished there many times. We have always done well with numbers, but not size, although I have heard many stories of dd fish caught there. It is off the beaten path, so it doesn’t get much pressure.
Im thinking the fish will be up in the grass on Thursday, due to a cool front coming in with apparently bluebird skies. I would rather fish a cloudy day, but we go when we can.
Ive always loved this lake. 850 acres, water to 22 feet deep. Maiden cane beds all over it, with small pad patches here and there, and docks. Normally, we will be the only bass fisherman there when we go, as it is very popular for specks.
Has anyone else fished it, and if so, any bigger fish? We’ve got the numbers figured out, but not the bigger fish!