I have an older model Bass Hunter that I'm refurbishing/restoring.. I only paid $150.⁰⁰ for it (no trailer), and the only thing that came with it was the 2 seats...
I've repaired a couple of holes in the bottom rear section, where it wore thin from the previous owner having to drag it.. I refiberglassed it, then after 4 or 5 uses it wore thru and had a hole again. So then I bondo'd the holes, built up the thickness, and ended up making a permanent "dolly" with 2 wheels and a tie down strap that prevents me from having to drag it at all.
I added a trolling motor and a Garmin Striker 4 fish finder, and repainted it. AND, I installed LED lights all around the outside, and a little on the inside.. I even fab'd up a platform on the front half to stand and fish from...
I got most of everything (cept the platform, and fish finder, and paint) from Facebook marketplace.. Sooo, I have about $400 invested in it, and could sell it easily for around $700. But then I'd have to start all over again, so I won't be doing that.. All I have left to do now, is figure out what lures actually work so I can catch some fish..
It's funny tho, cause I really don't care if I don't catch any, the fun has been in my journey, not in its destination.. lol