So here's the deal - there are 2 smallish ponds I have been fishing, and oddly both stand pipes have sprung a leak and have been draining the ponds relatively fast (although the rate of leakage has decreased as the water levels have fallen). I've tried to repair both of them, but with only moderate success and said repairs are likely pretty temporary given the condition of the pipe as a whole. Anyway, I figured the "noble" thing to do was to catch as many of the bass as I could and transfer them to their respective forever homes. In one case the pond is only about 100 feet from a very large USACOE lake and in the other the pond is about the same distance to a small river with consistent flow (both repositories have healthy bass populations).
I have been catching them like gangbusters and then hustle them over to the new location. So far, they all seem to be very chipper when I put them in the new spot - I even had a 5+ pounder turn around and just stare at me after the release. He/she was probably p!ssed, but I like to thank they were somehow thankful ?
My theory is that when water levels in ponds drop precipitiously (like 70% down or more) their usual prey food quickly run out of cover and subsequently get devoured in short order (especially in the summer months). After they essentially wipe out the minnows and small bluegills, they risk starving - to say nothing about potential temperature issues and low DO conditions that can occur in very shallow water. In these ponds I hardly ever see any minnows now, so it seems they wouldn't have much to live off of. And eventually it seems likely the ponds would either dry up or come very close to it.
So was the transfer the right call? I have read the bass are like most animals and are creatures of habit, so introducing them into an entirely new environment can disorient them and make it challenging for them to feed effectively. But bass also seem very resilient, so I am hopeful that they will quickly adapt to their new minnow (and crayfish) rich surroundings - even though I will probably never catch them again.