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Everything posted by Massachusettslargemouth

  1. While we don't get as many as the big trophies you guys in Florida and the south get, we get the the pre winter aggression up in the north. I went to my favorite stream today and caught 8 bass in an hour and a half. I was feeling lazy so I bought shiners and just used a bobber and shiner so I knew I was going to catch more than whatever lure I tried. Smallest one was exactly a pound and the biggest one was almost 1 pound 14 ounces. Nothing crazy, but I just love the aggression these bass get when trying to get ready for the winter.
  2. I'm with LrgmouthShad. I love giving people what little knowledge I have about fishing, but I'm not going to share any "secret spots" I have. People are leeches and if you ever need some help, they will not reciprocate it. So help out people with your knowledge and tips, but don't do it at the expense of your time and convenience.
  3. I'll be taking a trip down to see an old buddy who moved to the Raleigh area. He wants to hit up some fishing while I'm down there. If anyone from the Raleigh area knows any places where we can bank fish. We won't have access to a kayak or boat. I'm also going to have to look into getting an out of state fishing license.
  4. Monsters. That bottom one looks like it never skipped a meal. The top one looks like it never skipped a meal or snack. lol
  5. Massachusetts isn't known for big bass either, if you catch a huge one here.....it is an old fish since they grow at a slower rate than in the south. It also seems that we don't get quite the big beer belly bass that the southern states get. To give you an idea, the biggest bass I caught prior to that one was a 19 inch bass that I measured at just under 4 pounds (I actually had my scale with me that time). I believe it was 3 pounds 11 ounces if I remember correctly. I was completely unprepared to catch anything special that day as it was just a random stop at my childhood fishing spot. It always seems I have better luck fishing with poorly planned, spur of the moment stops.
  6. Caught this thing off the side of the road. 3 foot deep stream that dumps into an 80 acre lake .
  7. Fish Relative Weight Calculator - Alabama Cooperative Extension System (aces.edu) My guess was going to be close to 7, but I will confidentially say it was a 6 pounder. I'm 99% positive this fish was at least 6 pounds. It felt every bit of it picking it up. According to most resources I found, a 24 inch fish is considered fat above 8.5 pounds and very thin under 7. If I enter 5.5 pounds, it asks if I was correct about the weight. Too bad I didn't catch it one to two months earlier, but even then it probably would've only been half a pound heavier. Too many people focus on the fatness of the bass.
  8. Hey guys, I just signed up on this forum. I've fished my whole life for largemouth and smallmouths, but since selling my business a few years ago, I got back into fishing as much as I used to when I was in high school and college and I have really been enjoying myself. Anyways, I was visiting my parents for the fourth of July and I figured I was going to hit this little stream where I spent countless hours fishing as a kid. Well, I just brought my rod and some slug-gos, because I wasn't expecting anything too exciting. I left my tape measure and scale at home. Of course, I ended up catching the biggest largemouth bass of my life. Doing a quick measurement using my hands (pinky to thumb is around 8.5 inches), I got almost 3 hands. My arm is slightly angled in the photos, but not by much. My arm is 11 inches wrist to elbow. My hands are medium sized. From a very rough esimtation, I put that fish in at least 24 inches. Sorry for the goofy pics. I was trying to take a picture with my left arm extended while trying to get both me and the fish in the same frame. I also was not expecting to catch a big fish that day.
  9. This is a tangent to bank fishing so sorry if it's not completely pertinent, but it does cover not having a boat. When I was a kid I found this little slow moving stream that runs underneath a road. I spent countless hours fishing it on that bridge and I've caught THOUSANDS of bass over the years. I may be wrong, but finding hidden gems with a bridge like this is a great way to catch bass. A major advantage of a place like that is that you can cover a large area. I typically fish the downstream side, but I also try a few casts on the opposite side. A trick I sometimes do is cast a slug-go and let the very slow current take the slug-go about 100 yards down. I've even had times where a bass hit on the slug-go just being carried by the current. Then I will work the lure back to me.
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