the packages arrived. the daiwa airity is so light weight, so smooth running. i love it. it might actually be my very best reel i own. i put on 8 pound braid, with 2 pound mono filler at the bottom to save on the braid. what is neat, i dont think i have seen it before, the reel has a little notch for where you put the knot so it will line up right. its really cool.
the ultra light rod also came in, and that a nice feel to it as well. i think it will be paired really well together.
I am really looking forward to getting the light rod in as well for the shakey setup to use with this reel as well.
surprisingly, i ordered ultralight jigs and plastics on the same day and they still have not shipped, yet the stuff from japan is already here.
i am going to have to run to the store and buy something because i dont have anything for ultralight, i assumed they would have arrived...anyway, i wont harp anymore.