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Everything posted by OcBassman63

  1. Apparently i have 2 accounts. Is there anyway one can be deleted? This is my regular account. I must have signed into here with facebook and started another account. Any help is appreciated.
  2. Thanx for all the input. I wound up at Bass Pro today and picked up 3 Pro Qualifiers. Just liked them the most.
  3. I can't decide between the Bass Pro Pro Qualifier and the Revo SX. I can get 4 Pro Qualifiers for the Price of 3 Revos using the 6 pay plan at Bass Pro. Any input is appreciated. Even recommendations on reels under 150.00 Thanx Tim
  4. Love the Silver Minnow. Catches all species of fish.
  5. I bought my first one at the BPS Fishing Classic. To replace my spinning rod I broke last year. I picked up a 6'9" ML spinning rod. It has become my favorite spinning rod I am going to replace my other one that I broke at my last tourney with one. They fit in my hand great they are lightweight, strong and very sensitive. Well worth the money even better when you can get them on sale.
  6. Had to see it comming after Scott won the FLW Cup this year.
  7. Man I looked on and off all day and still can't find that dang sticker. :angry:
  8. Woke up at 5 this morning. Got the boat all hooked up to the jeep. Did the walk around to make sure all is well. Just to find out I didn't put the new sticker on the Boat trailer :unsure: Well I know I got it so lets go find it....Well its 2 hours later I can't find the sticker and i locked my keys in my van and my wife is at work with the spare keys. (She has my mother in laws car while she is on vacation) So here I sit drinking coffee thinking its just one of Those Days..... Im a little afraid to cut the lawn by the way..... ;)
  9. Thosa are some great pics and awsome Bass.
  10. Thosa are some great pics and awsome Bass.
  11. Thosa are some great pics and awsome Bass.
  12. I peg 90% of the time. It just helps me feel what the bait is doing better. Just my personal preferance.
  13. Joined Lunkerville and sent a request for Bassresource.
  14. Got this in an email and had to share it. Funny but true...... HAVING MOM OVER FOR DINNER You don't have to be a mother to enjoy this one! Brian invited his mother over for dinner. During the course of the meal, Brian's mother couldn't help but notice how beautiful Brian's 'roommate', Jennifer was. Brian's Mom had long been suspicious of a relationship between Brian and Jennifer, and this had only made her more curious. Over the course of the evening, while watching the two interact, she started to wonder if there was more between Brian and Jennifer than met the eye. Reading his mom's thoughts, Brian volunteered, 'I know what you must be thinking, but I assure you Jennifer and I are just roommates.' About a week later, Jennifer came to Brian saying, 'Ever since your mother came to dinner, I've been unable to find the beautiful silver gravy ladle. You don't suppose she took it, do you?' Brian said, 'Well, I doubt it, but I'll send her an e-mail just to be sure. So he sat down and wrote: ___________________________________ Dear Mom , I'm not saying that you 'did' take the gravy ladle from the house, I'm not saying that you 'did not' take the gravy ladle. But the fact remains that one has been missing ever since you were here for dinner. Love, Brian ___________________________________ Several days later, Brian received an email back from his mother that read: ___________________________________ Dear Son, I'm not saying that you 'do' sleep with Jennifer, I'm not say ing that you 'do not' sleep with Jennifer. But the fact remains that if Jennifer is sleeping in her own bed, she would have found the gravy ladle by now. Love, Mom ___________________________________ LESSON OF THE DAY - NEVER LIE TO YOUR MOTHER!
  15. Pm sent Back. Thanx Again.
  16. I was wondering when someone would notice it. I need to build a platform for it I was thinking a 4x4, carpet it and mount it up. Wayne how much do you want for that prop? I checked into the cost for a ateering cable 71.99 almost as much as I paid for the TM.
  17. Thanx I talked to those guys the day after I baught it. Really nice and helpful. It is the 41lb thrust with the small prop. The prop should be 8 3/4 inchs. The one on it is 8inchs. I have to get a new one. Im not sure of the shaft length I didn't measure it.
  18. I picked up a New/Used OMC Trolling Motor last week for $100.00. I got it all mounted on my boat and took it for a test drive today. Well she ran great pushed my little boat all around the lake today without a hitch. I didn't catch anything but it was still better than Work. Here are some more pics from today....Rock Cut State Park, Pierce Lake Waiting at the gate.... Wild Turkeys I got there at 6:55 the new hours are 8:00 to 5:00 Just some pics of the lake......
  19. oh yea sorry. I am using the Siege.
  20. Which P-line are you useing? I used the cxx in 8lb on one of my spinning rods and had nothing but trouble with casting. The line had sooooo much memmory. The coils would hit the rod and wrap around the tip. I respooled with suffix and problem gone. I havent looked at pee line since. I would try respooling with a different line.
  21. That was an awsome idea. Way to spend quality time with your boys.
  22. I was wondering what lb test line everybody uses to skip jigs, tubes or whatever with their Baitcaster? I was doing some casting from shore and found it easier to skip my 1/4oz swimjig with 20lb Floro as apposed to 14lb mono. Any input would be great. Thanx Tim
  23. I spent 40 on a old crankbait, Then I procede to throw it out because I thought the box it was in was empty. :'( :'( :'( :'( That will Never happen again.
  24. Thats a cool idea. Doesent someone make a stick on measuring tape for rods? I thought I had one once.
  25. Motor Oil
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