I picked up a Garmin Force three years ago when I still had a 16 foot aluminum. Since then I have moved to a fiberglass 19 foot bass boat and swapped all my electronics over to it including the force. Before the Garmin I used a simple Minn Kota Edge hand troller with absolutely no features built in. With the smaller boat I was almost exclusively on small water but now I can fish larger waters like Lake St Clair and Saginaw Bay. I can definitively say the features on the Garmin (anchor lock, networking with Garmin graphs, its power, plotting routes, etc) are absolute must-haves for me now - especially anchor (spot) lock.
The Garmin does not have raise or lower assist but that means nothing to me so I can’t speak to any of those features but the others I can. Even in shallow water I am constantly adjusting my position with the foot pedal to navigate shallow obstacles like stumps or positioning along the shoreline, and can use it in as little as 2 feet of water with no issues if I have to. The anchor lock is absolutely mandatory on any open water or depths of about 7 feet or higher if you are in any current or wind. Non-negotiable. If you’re trying to stay on a piece of structure without it you are simply not going to be able to or will be very inefficient in doing so and will sacrifice fishing time.
There is absolutely no way I would go back to a trolling motor without the essential features I described above. Expensive? Yes they are? Are those features gimmicks? No not at all. Hope that helps.