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  • Location
    Chicagoland, IL
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth

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  1. Thank you! Glad you enjoyed
  2. Either is fine! Would appreciate recs for both
  3. Wondering if you guys have any suggestions on bucket list bass fisheries when it’s really hot. Thinking July since the wife and I want to take a trip somewhere. Been paying for a guide every time I go somewhere with the wife but getting kind of annoyed paying $350+ for a guide just to catch dinks. Went to Chickamagua and Okeechobee and caught 2 or 3 okay fish and that was the day both times. I know I’m not paying for “guaranteed optimal fishing conditions” but it just doesn’t make any sense for me to spend that kind of money when I know the season isn’t right. I also strongly dislike when we have to rely on live bait to catch fish. I never use live bait when I’m fishing and would rather spend the time searching for fish on artificials than take the easy way out and throw a minnow on a bobber. At least I get more of a learning experience using artificials than sitting around using something I’d never throw again. Not that it’s the guide’s fault by any means! In fact we’ve created fun memories and the guides we’ve had have all been great and nothing but nice. The fishing just has never turned out as productive maybe because of the season, weather, other factors for that day. That’s just how fishing goes and I get that but I’m starting to get hesitant on dropping that much money on these guide trips unless there’s a higher chance that the season is right. So that’s why I’d like some suggestions on higher percentage lakes during July so at least I know I’m doing my research before booking something. Just using this as a starting point since I know nothing in fishing is guaranteed. Thanks, Umair
  4. Here’s what I got going: https://youtu.be/hymSYxFSJUM Mainly P5s and NRX+
  5. What are you guys rockin with this year? Here’s what I got going: https://youtu.be/hymSYxFSJUM Mainly P5s and NRX+
  6. These rules are almost as important as wearing a PFD! Lol thanks
  7. Oh yeah I’m on top of that. Found out the types of attachments you can mount on the universal plates. Bought a couple yak attack mighty mounts specifically for inflatables so I’ll be able to add a rod holder and paddle holder. Didn’t want to spend the money on an anchor wizard so I’m trying to put a system together using a dog leash and a 5lb dumbell. Just need to understand how itll work once im on the water. Definitely seems like this will be an expanding project to work on this year to see what works best for me but Imm excited. Told myself I wont get any fancier electronics till I get the basics down. (Although I think I’ll probably go with a Lowrance Hook Reveal 7 using the Yak Attack cell block transducer mount)
  8. Going to try fitting both myself and the wife in my blackfoot and fish together. I’ll be paddling for us most of the time but it’ll be worth it getting her on the water with me!
  9. I ended up finding a new Aquaglide Blackfoot 130 Angler! Did a lot of research the last month since I last posted here and it seemed like the best option for the freshwater ponds and lakes I’ll be fishing in. Love how customizable it is as well. Got it in the mail last week just waiting for the weather to warm up a little more for its maiden journey!
  10. Great point about playing around with the fish finders in person! Will do that soon
  11. When I meant “give” I meant my rod is really fast and the braid has no stretch so there’s no give anywhere in that. I understand what you guys are saying though. Was thinking of the 4-strand instead of the 8 purely for being able to saw through grass better Yes I think this is exactly what’s happening. I do like my XH Expride because it doubles as a shorter punching rod which I love. 4-strand 50lb is probably the better solution
  12. What lb test do you guys use for frogs (in heavy vegetation not open water)? I’m using a 7’3 XH Expride B with a Curado 200M this season. I was using 65lb suffix 131 last year on the same rod and noticed I’m ripping holes in the mouth on the 1.5-4lb fish we catch on average where I’m at in IL and WI. My initial thought is that there’s no give in my system. Not that I’d want much give while frogging and flipping into the thick stuff and wrenching them out. Thinking if I switch down to a 4-strand 50lb test that might not tear holes in their mouths. 65lb test maybe makes more sense when you’re fishing places more south where the class of fish and cover are even heavier compared to the fish and cover up here.
  13. Hey everyone, Saw some people asking about this rod earlier and decided to make a quick review on it. Hope this helps answer some questions! Let me know how you like it and would appreciate if you supported by subscribing! https://youtu.be/twmPkjFANXs
  14. You think a Lowrance Hook Reveal 9 would be too big for the aquaglide blackfoot 130 angler kayak (inflatable)? Otherwise I was thinking of the 7. Some ideas on how/where to mount it would be great since Ive never done this before. Does it have a rechargeable battery built in or do I absolutely need to get a separate battery pack?
  15. Following this. I’m debating between inflatable and hard-shell folding. The inflatables within my budget seem a little too unstable based on videos I’ve seen. Looking for something under $800. What other hard-shell folding fishing kayak brands are out there other than Brooklyn?
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