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Everything posted by ak6388

  1. I feel there is a few anglers having trouble with BassTrak outside of Milliken. Redwine hasn't had his even ping that he's still at 2 fish in about 3-4 hours now. No idea if he has anything else but usually they at least confirm every so often.
  2. Milliken's BassTrak is up to showing 5 fish.
  3. I agree, he was pretty transparent on why he left and why he felt the need to come back now. Can't blame the guy for trying to go make more money, the vast majority of people in the world would move jobs to make more money if the opportunity presented itself. I think its more and more obvious that the MLF wasn't all it was promised to be when the split occurred. Man painful to see Matty lose another fish. Good news is that he already has a great sized bag and probably won't change his standing too much. Really hope however he isn't in a position to lost the tournament by just a few ounces.
  4. Appreciate the suggestion. I do love some Picasso baits so I will have to pick up a few on my next tackle order. Another donation to the bait gods!
  5. I wouldn't think so either as Rapala hasn't announced anything. Even ordering direct on rapala's own website you linked there is a single color in a frog that is the only thing in stock. All spinnerbaits jigs and vast majority of frogs are out of stock. It's the same way on TW, Omnia, etc. I was just curious, I liked their bait keepers on the spinnerbaits if I ever wanted to add a trailer. Most of the ones I've found on others have been mediocre.
  6. I tried searching the web but didn't find much. Is Terminator folding up? Every site has all their baits on clearance and none of them have restock dates. Shame if that were the case, I really enjoy their spinnerbaits.
  7. After catching up here on the FFS debate I’m generally curious, do people find bank beating that much more entertaining from a coverage perspective? I mean yes the top water blows ups and jig hooksets are ten fold better, but the hours without a bite staring at all the shallow cover in between is the exact same as FFS to me. Secondly you can most certainly take FFS principles from the anglers and learn them for your home lake. Gee had his screen blown up by the coverage team and he did a 10 minute breakdown on exactly what he was doing, the bait he was using and what he felt like the keys to the bite were while fishing. What more do you want from the guy?
  8. And there’s at least 5 other anglers if not more that have the same screen as him including Feider who finished 60+. Rojas was competitive all week in MLF and the open was won last week without it. FFS isn’t still the only way to win but it certainly helps.
  9. He 1000% won’t or will mention it for 10 seconds in a 10 minute rant. I used to like watching him, but after his 50th rant about live scope it just gets old. You can only beat a dead horse for so long.
  10. Fujita just caught a big for his 5th. Think he has it locked up now.
  11. Schlapper is throwing a bladed jig now and Johnston is sight fishing. Sounds like the fish are moving up!
  12. If you were watching this morning the broadcast team was on FS1. Saturday and Sunday on the BASS website they have anglers come on the air and talk while the normal crew is on TV. Can definitely be boring.
  13. My pick to win is either Fujita or Milliken with how the day has started. Fujita will be tough to beat, especially if he catches a few more pounds.
  14. Caught another 4.5 lber in the last hour. Culled out a 2. Sitting at 22, his weights are all even numbers I’d expect him to come in a bit higher. Maybe not as bad as Walters under reporting 😂
  15. Milliken looks like he’s on a good group the last few hours. 2 5+ lbers and already over 20lbs for the day.
  16. Love this Gee guy, great on camera lol
  17. I seem to remember a thread where a bunch of people called him washed and he’s just taking a spot for other anglers 🤔. Glad to see him proving that group wrong, guy is a hammer.
  18. Got back out there after the cold snap here in Ohio. Slow rolling a spinnerbait right down a laydown and caught him about 6’ off the bank. Took about 4 casts, had another but my line broke off in the laydown. Probably should have retied, but I’ll take it for the first fish of the year. 3lbs 12oz!
  19. Martin just locked it up for sure. Just caught a 6 and 2 9+ lbers. Absolute clinic
  20. Yeah this just came out a few days ago. Will give it a listen for sure on the way into work this week.
  21. Man I love seeing Tharp back with BASS. The EQ field this year is absolutely loaded with guys that barely missed last year like Sam George and then all the former BASS guys coming back from MLF. Fun to watch!!
  22. Just a single one today on a tough day but it was the right size! Caught right off the main fork of a laydown with a DBomb Texas Rigged. Last one of the year for me.
  23. Appreciate the recommendations! I have used the Magic Eye hooks before which is probably what I will do although while I'm experimenting again I might try out the Gamakatsu Aaron Martens TGW hooks.
  24. Just took a look there and when selecting size 4 they show out of stock. I don't really need them at the moment but just would rather have them now before next season rolls around here in March.
  25. I use Owner ST-35 hooks on almost all of my crankbaits as soon as they come out of the package. Recently, the size 4 hooks have been out of stock for at least several weeks and Tackle Warehouse backorder date keeps backing up currently out to 3/1. Does anyone know why this size in particular is out of stock everywhere other than it being a very popular size? Any recommendations for similar hooks? I am using these on squarebills and shallow cranks for the most part.
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