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  1. I think the other one I had was the one on the far left. I found a whole bunch of them for sale on ebay!
  2. Awesome! Thanks! Ya, I've never seen another like it. I'll have to check out a boating/outdoor expo, maybe I can find someone who's started making them again! Wish I could remember what the other ones looked like. Hey, now that I knew what they were called I was able to actually find a picture of a whole set of them!!!
  3. When I was a kid in the early 90's my dad took me to a home and garden/outdoors show at my local fairgrounds. We came upon a vendor selling very unique fishing lures. I still have one of the rigs we bought, pictured below (unfortunately I lost the cooler of the 2 I got to keep). I don't know the manufacturer or even what it's called. But the idea behind it, you clip your line to the top hole and a hook with bait to the bottom hole. When you pull back on the line it "dives" backwards under water. When you release the line it'll shoot farther out. The other lure I had, if I remember correctly, it was colored blue, and was made of the same plastic. When you worked the rod you could make it "swim" around under docks or logs. I ,unfortunately, don't remember what exactly it looked like. Has anyone ever seen anything like these? Thanks!
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