Good evening,
I have scoured this website as well as several others seeking to find a good jerkbait setup, casting preferably.
This will primarily be used to hunt trophy class northwest smallmouth prespawn. Like many others here, I pay careful attention to what Dwight Hottle and A-Jay have to say on any and all smallmouth topics. As I understand it, both prefer braid to mono leaders on casting setups, with A-Jay preferring faster Alpha Slasher and Dwight an unnamed moderate casting rod, rated a little heavier to an oz.
My question: I am not a fan of braid at all. I will use it for bottom contact and plastics for the sensitivity factor, but I prefer mono. I also have trust issues with fluorocarbon, as Seaguar Red Lable 8lb wasn’t super impressive. I like Maxima UG and Crystal Ivory, both of which have proven their worth over three decades of river steelhead fishing.
My thought would be to use a 6’8”-7’ 8-14lb basting rod with straight 8lb Ultragreen for 110s and Pointer 100s. The big smallmouth forage primarily on Kokanee where I fish, and a 4-5 inch bait is not big at all.
I am new to this technique, other than rapala cd-3s in streams for trout, so any and all suggestions would be appreciated. If braid/leader is optimal for colder jerkbaiting, I will do it, but I’d prefer straight Maxima. Thoughts?
What do you