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Everything posted by MattySea86

  1. New here and randomly got back into bass fishing again. I grew up on a lake in south Florida and my parents couldn’t keep me away from fishing 24/7. As I got older and got my first car I Found out how much harder saltwater fish pull and that was my new drug. Anyway like the title says I’m looking for non beat up 200e7. Thanks boys.
  2. I’ll contribute since I’m here. Good day to me is having fun out on the water and enjoying the sun. Plus a 5 bag limit at 25lbs doesn’t hurt. Big EZ and hollow body frog blow ups preferably
  3. Dang those are getting harder and harder to get. Thanks for the reply
  4. @dave I’m interested in buying your curado 200e7 if it’s still available? I tried to pm you but I new here and can’t send any yet. Please PM me. Thanks, Matt
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