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  1. I agree. Problem is if I have the phone on the ground, holding the fish closer while trying to point it down is not that easy. I've tried the 10 second timer and it was a bit too long.
  2. Good point on the video, I'll give it a try. I'm a bit superstitious and feel the more gear I bring in order to document a big fish, the lower my chances of catching said big fish increase. For example whenever I replace batteries in the scale I get skunked for a week.
  3. I fish solo half of the time. I've developed a system of putting camera on the ground or whatever may be available and setting a 5 second delay. This often results in pictures that appear a bit straight armed. I've tried the holding the fish next to me selfie but feel as if that can be more distorting than what I'm now doing. Any of you have methods that work better?
  4. Thank you everyone for the warm welcome. I live in Fairfield County...southwester CT for those that don't know CT. Yes Norwalk has some of the finest Striper fishing in the world, so I'm told. I've caught plenty of them, blues, porgies, sea robins and dogfish. I prefer freshwater though and frequent a corporately owned reservoir that requires an extra pass. Clean and clear. Hope all of you catch some hogs this year!
  5. I fish for whatever bites.
  6. Sprinker Teckel Frog. All the rage 4 years ago. Never worked for me
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