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Everything posted by JN94

  1. Jig Topwater Ned
  2. Very strange. Still not working for me. I cleared and signed out and it did show for me. But then signed into my account and now it has disappeared again
  3. What happened here? It's disappeared off the site. Flea market no* more
  4. Second this comment re: DC reels and unweighted plastics. Go with a reel that's more geared for lighter lures
  5. A 6'10" MH (rated 3/8-1oz) is my favorite rod. I wish more manufacturers made them. Best blend of length/casting distance and accuracy in my opinion. Can also use it for walking/jerk baits. It's not the rod I'd pick up for a 3/4oz jig but is the right choice for anything 1/4-1/2oz. Why do you need to flip 3/4oz jigs? If you're a kayak angler I'd imagine you're fishing shallow mostly and would be better off with ~3/8 most of the time
  6. I didn't like my zillion at all so I sold it. Uncomfortable frame, sticky/cheap thumb bar, not a great caster. I'd take an SLX MGL over it and any Curado. Whether you want to use USDM or JDM prices (I.e. Curado MGL 150 at $200 US or SLX at JDM prices). I like my Alphas SV. Comfortable frame, lightweight. Not quite as good of a caster as a Curado but similar to SLX. I'd pony up the extra money to get another Curado 150 or 70 before buying another Alphas though. I'd say SLX MGL and Alphas are pretty evenly matched
  7. I was on the hunt for this exact thing a few months back. Check out the Riot Baits Lil Creeper. I wish it had a slightly stouter hook but I'd call it a medium wire. Good baitkeeper and it's tungsten for a little more sensitivity. Comes in 1/2oz
  8. SLX A 7'2" H. Rated 0.5-1.5oz. $99. Super light and comfortable to fish for a $99 heavy
  9. No. Rod is what to pay attention to when determining what hook gauge to use
  10. Are you talking about circle hooks or inline hooks? They are two different things. I've put inline hooks on all my cranks and it works well but they do not operate at all like a circle hook
  11. Cortland master braid has become my favorite, even over 832 which I used for a long time. They have a hi Viz yellow. I'm hoping they come out with chartreuse soon
  12. Braid to leader all day! Don't think about it just do it!
  13. My favorite 1/8-1/2 rod that I have is the 6'10" Shimano Curado. I believe I picked up a used "mint" condition one on ALF for ~$140. They often have a lot of mint condition shimanos for significant discounts. Would be worth looking into. I use it for the same thing that you're talking about - wade fishing creeks for SM. Another option that I haven't used but looks good is a TFO Professional. I believe it's a 7' rod and has the same 1/8-1/2 range. It's a mod fast action, which may be better if you're throwing trebs like you allude to. I have the 7' MH in that line and like it a lot for moving baits. It's a solid rod for $100 and I really like the looks of it with the cork grips and locking nut which you often don't find on rods at that price point
  14. I would not swap parts with another reel like you did. You may have just gotten a bad part in your original SLX and it could be easily remedied by identifying what it is and requesting Shimano send you a new one. @Delaware Valley Tackle may also be able to help
  15. Not sure if they ever are discounted but I'm going to second what others are saying - I've had one for a few years now and it's great. Would be really tough to fish without one on my kayak now that I've had it
  16. I have bought a handful of high end reels (metanium, bantam, steez) now and have come to the conclusion that for me, they aren't worth it. They are beautiful and fun to fish with, but the upgrade is so marginal for me vs a Curado or similar ~$200 reel. If you are a true enthusiast who just absolutely cannot live without fishing the best of the best, then it may be worth it to you. But I've found that I likely won't ever spend more than $200-250 (based on current prices) or so on a reel. Same goes for rods
  17. MH (3/8-1oz) Fast or regular action with 40lb braid + FG knot leader ML (1/8-1/2oz) mod fast with 20lb braid + FG knot leader
  18. If you're using exposed, light wire hooks, I'd use a ML, mod fast. If you're using heavier wire exposed hooks step up to a M or MH. Fast actions work as well but for the lighter wire stuff I prefer a mod fast action to help with landing the fish
  19. Any Shimano MH rated 3/8-1oz can do this in my experience. I would also try 30-40lb braid with a leader instead of mono
  20. I've put inline singles on all my cranks as well. I think a mod or mod fast still works for them. I'd use whatever action rod you have found works best for your other single hook moving baits
  21. I'd look for rods rated up to 3/8oz or 1/4oz in most cases then, depending on how light you're trying to go and assuming all of these lures will be under 7g (1/4oz) in total weight. You'll want a BFS reel as well with appropriate line to match
  22. How light of lures are you talking about? Sub 7g? 7-10g? Agree with others on here that rod will be an equal if not more important part of the equation
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