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Everything posted by JN94

  1. Anyone have an A-rig rod that they like in particular?
  2. Good point. I pretty much only sidearm/roll cast with lighter rods so I've got a habit of doing the same when stepping up to larger rods. Have noticed there is for sure a difference with your technique vs the roll cast on these heavier lures. I'm sure keeping that in mind will go a long way regardless of rod length
  3. Looking for opinions/thoughts here. I currently throw all my swimbaits and A-rigs on a 7'3" Zodias that's rated up to 3oz. I've been told that a longer rod on these heavier baits helps with fatigue. I've noticed after throwing an A-rig all day I definitely have some soreness in my wrist. Will a longer rod help this? Found this Okuma rod that's a 7'9" and rated 1-3oz. Was thinking of making that my A-rig rod and using the Zodias for just swimbaits. Anyone have any experience with this rod?
  4. Never liked any SCs I've bought so take w/ a grain of salt. Own multiple Zodiases, including the one you're asking about and I love it. Think they are probably the best value series of rods you can get. I don't feel a difference in sensitivity between it and my expride. What are you using it for? It's a touch slower than an expride fast. More like a MBR taper. Super versatile rod. I throw pretty much whatever on it
  5. After my experience with the one and only Loomis I've bought (24 GLX), I've come to the conclusion that Loomis rods are the biggest scam in fishing. They're not light, not balanced, sloppily put together every step of the way, and their customer service is horrible. That being said, their general aesthetics are far and away the best in the industry. The NRX and GLX are the two prettiest rods on the mkt imo. I wish more manufacturers would copy their look
  6. Curado 200K for sure. Should be able to find them sub $150 easily with the new Ms rolling out
  7. Think I'm going to sell this rod. If anyone is interested in a like new GLX 844 MBR, PM me
  8. I actually went back and checked their YouTube channel and they say 1/8-5/8 in the comments. I was thinking it was half. Yeah I suppose so on it being objective. But saying it maxes out at 5/8 and then downgrading that all the way to 5/16 is crazy assuming it's the same blank
  9. Anyone gotten their hands on these? When they were first announced, the lure ratings on these rods were 1/8-1/2. Now their website shows 1/8-5/16. I'm curious if they slapped a different blank in there after initial feedback/more thought or they just changed the rating. I hope it's a different blank @rangerjockey @casts_by_fly
  10. Cashion is definitely the better choice. Good luck
  11. I ordered the Phenix BFS and didn't like it at all. It's a beautiful rod but the extra fast tip wasn't for me. Lost fish like crazy on it
  12. Will be a great setup. Rod is perfect for moving baits. Don't worry too much about the gear ratio. Just slow down your retrieve speed and you'll be good to go
  13. Just got my SD in the mail. Have only been able to cast it in the pool but I like it so far. It's beautiful. Definitely feels like it's got a bunch of power. I'd say taper is pretty similar to a MBR or any Shimano mod-fast. Maybe just a hair slower but not a huge difference either way. I was casting a true 1oz lure and it felt like it was about the top end of what would be comfortable on it
  14. Ordered a few reels from Amazon with no issues. Would do it again
  15. I just ordered this rod Saturday. Assuming it will arrive this week. I'll let you know first impressions after I get it. I'm planning to use it as an all around rod. I prefer to fish shallow and like sub 7' rods. I think if you were looking to use it for a specific technique, single hook moving baits would be the ticket
  16. Never fished with it but always thought the lure rating was way too light for CBs. It maxes out at 5/8. A 3/8oz + trailer alone will surpass that top end. It may just be mis-rated though. Like I said, I've never fished one
  17. Check out the Ark Genesis lineup. All 2 piece rods and they've got 3-4 bait finesse models if memory serves me correct. I own the 6'9" rated up to 1/4oz and like it
  18. Underwhelming. Tranx is the only interesting offering. Still need a new Chronarch... They're about 5 years late on that
  19. There is a gap in the insert on the butt. It's not dirt. And yes, the foregrip looks terrible due to sloppy work
  20. Pulled it off the rod rack at Summerland's B&M store. Had tags. Not sealed or in a sleeve
  21. How customer service should be. I had a similar experience with Kistler. Bates also sent me a replacement reel for free even though the reel I was sending back to them was lost in the mail due to a mistake on my part. I do think most manufacturers are pretty solid in this dept. Unfortunately GL doesn't seem to be here
  22. Good to know. Sounds pretty versatile then!
  23. Well so far, Loomis has stiffed me. Wasn't super impressed with the response I got. He said the gap in the cork was "dirt from sitting on a rod shelf". Said he didn't see the issue with the locking nut. Pretty ridiculous. He also told me I needed to go thru the retailer I bought it from, so that's my next stop
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