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About RRocket

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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    Between 4-5 lbs
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    Ultralight Obsessed

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  1. I've been wondering the same after Gamakatsu released a hook like that at iCast this year https://fishingtackleretailer.com/gamakatsu-announces-crankbait-circle-hook/
  2. I agree with all of this. The only difference for me is the baits that I use. Oh, and I always used a bead. Widely used in Japanese Free Rig. The primary reason was to protect the knot from the fine-wire of the Free Rig weights. In lieu of a bead most now use a rubber/silicone "cushion". My 2 favorites are below.
  3. I may have posted this already, but this video gives some excellent tips and details on how to fish. This is my favorite video on the topic.
  4. These work well too!
  5. Nories Kameraba are awesome! High quality. Also check out the Keitech Mono Jigs.
  6. This. Impressive action, too.
  7. I did that the last couple of seasons. Very fun baits...if a bit expensive. But they work!
  8. My "secret" Ned bait? Duo Realis Wriggle ND Slim
  9. The hooks you seek absolutely do exist. These days, there's a pretty big subset of what I'll call "value fisherman". These guys love fishing great gear but their budget doesn't allow high dollar fishing tackle. And so they scour the internet for the best quality/value. I usually start by browsing Amazon (or other value retailer). I'll find one with high ratings. And then I'll investigate the brand OUTSIDE of the retailer reviews. You'll usually see the good ones pop up often in threads on discussion boards, clubs, Reddit, YouTube, etc I've found a couple of lures and even a rod this way. Excellent purchases, BTW. I have no doubt you'll find some recommended hooks this way. These are the types of videos, for example (this one is old)
  10. This. The Down Shot Offset Hook is great for weedless. I have used this one often. As is the Rebarb. Super, super sticky hook in the fine wire version. I've have also used a VMC Finesse Neko hook in the same way as the Rebarb when the Rebarb were out of stock. These days I mostly use and prefer the weedless versions of the Hayabusa Spin Muscle or Nishine DS Hook. I prefer their versatility.
  11. This makes sense from reading I've done. When fish are actively chasing baitfish, they prefer the maximum return for their calories burned during the hunt. Why expend the same energy for a tiny meal? So the biggest baitfish they can handle is often preferred.
  12. Sigh...I feel your pain. Same thing here. I sometimes open the garage door to have a peek at the boat hibernating in the garage...
  13. That's really great! What is the regional/local name for such a lure?
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